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Putian Lawyer Online: What qualifications do enterprises need to have to produce masks?

2010-05-11 18:51 Jiang Ruixin Source: Southeast Network Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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An enterprise owner consulted through WeChat: Hello, lawyer! Our company is preparing to produce masks. What qualifications do you need?

Lawyer Li Ruiyu of Fujian Pengyi Law Firm answers:

The types of masks are divided into: ordinary masks, disposable medical masks, medical surgical masks, particle protective masks, medical protective masks, gas masks, etc. The production standards and regulatory requirements are different for different mask types:

1. KN95/N95 and above particle protective masks belong to non medical masks, which are special labor protection articles, while non medical masks are produced. The State Council has cancelled the management of production license for industrial products of special labor protection articles. Therefore, enterprises producing non medical masks no longer need to apply for production license for industrial products (QS certification), It is not subject to the supervision and management of the medical device supervision and management system. However, production enterprises should not ignore the obligations of product quality and safety assurance, production conditions, production standards, quality control, etc., and should strictly implement national standards for production.

2. Medical masks (medical surgical masks and medical protective masks) belong to the second class of medical devices, which involve professional and industrial knowledge in the medical field. The state adopts strict legal supervision, and the manufacturing enterprises should go through qualification application and filing procedures in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. Otherwise, they may not produce, sell, operate or resell without permission.

Therefore, if the enterprise wants to produce medical masks, it must obtain the administrative license of the food and drug supervision and administration department, and the medical masks it produces should also obtain the Medical Device Registration Certificate, so that it can meet the qualification requirements for producing medical masks.

If medical masks are produced without permission or without medical device registration certificate, according to Article 63 of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices, the food and drug administration of the people's government at or above the county level shall confiscate the illegal income, medical devices illegally produced and operated, tools, equipment, raw materials and other articles used for illegal production and operation; If the value of medical instruments illegally produced and operated is less than 10000 yuan, a fine of 50000 yuan to 100000 yuan shall be imposed; If the value of goods is more than 10000 yuan, a fine of 10 times to 20 times the value of goods shall be imposed; If the circumstances are serious, the medical device license application submitted by the relevant responsible person and enterprise will not be accepted within 5 years.

(Arranged by Jiang Ruixin)

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