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The delegation led by China Mobile Putian Branch visited the New Era Civilization Practice Center in Licheng District

2019-08-15 09:13 Ke Qiaoling, Li Jianjun Source: Southeast Net Editor in charge: Lin Jing Let me say something
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The delegation led by China Mobile Putian Branch visited the New Era Civilization Practice Center in Licheng District

Putian, Southeastern. com, August 15 (Correspondent Ke Qiaoling, reporter Li Jianjun of our website/photo) On the morning of August 13, Huang Feizhou, deputy general manager of China Mobile Putian Branch, led a team to visit the New Era Civilization Practice Center in Licheng District, and worked with the relevant responsible persons of the New Era Civilization Practice Center in Licheng District, the Civilization Office of the District Party Committee and others on how to further exert the advantages of the Internet, There were in-depth discussions on promoting the pilot construction of a new era civilization practice center.

Huang Feizhou said that China Mobile Putian Branch will further improve its political position, give full play to the technical advantages of the department, use "Internet+", explore "online practice", boost the extension of the new era civilization practice network in Licheng District at the grass-roots level, achieve full coverage of the district, town street and village, and truly let the new trend of civilization blow into the hearts of the people.

It is understood that Licheng District, as the only provincial pilot area of the new era civilization practice center in Putian City, actively promoted the pilot work of the new era civilization practice center, and issued the Implementation Plan for the Pilot Work of Building a New Era Civilization Practice Center. The plan takes the whole region as a whole, takes the district, town (street), village (community) as a unit, and takes voluntary service as the basic form, Through the integration of personnel, financial resources, platform carriers, project activities, innovative construction of eight service carriers, including theoretical preaching, social publicity, education services, cultural services, science and technology and popular science services, fitness and sports services, support for civic morality construction, and rural ethics and civilization construction platform, to create a platform for ideological guidance, moral education A comprehensive grass-roots platform integrating multiple functions such as cultural inheritance will open up the "last mile" to publicize, educate, care for and serve the masses, promote Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to take root in the hearts of the people, and promote the party's innovative theory to "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

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