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China Mobile Released 2014 Annual Sustainable Development Report and Won Five Star Rating Again

September 23, 2015 17:28 Source: Southeast Network Editor in charge: Lin Jing Let me say something
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Putian, Southeastern Network, September 23 - On September 21, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation's 2014 annual sustainable development report was released online. This is the ninth sustainable development report of China Mobile, and it was rated as a five-star rating by the Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for the second consecutive year. It is considered to be an excellent corporate social responsibility report. The report is prepared in accordance with the latest reporting guidelines and standards at home and abroad, and has been independently verified by a third party for the third consecutive year.

The report details the outstanding achievements of China Mobile in sustainable development in the past year in three areas: "responsible operation", "inclusive growth" and "sustainable value". In terms of "responsible operation", the company has vigorously improved its emergency communication support capability. From 2008 to 2014, the company has invested more than 10 billion yuan accumulatively and carried out emergency communication support more than 30000 times. It has achieved the goal of monitoring communication abnormalities within 5 minutes of natural disasters, launching emergency plans and dispatching rescue teams and communication support vehicles within 30 minutes. We made every effort to protect customers' information security and the right to know. In 2014, nearly 800 million junk messages were intercepted and disposed, and the number of complaints about junk messages decreased by 64.9% over the previous year. A total of 153 million illegal calls were intercepted throughout the year, and the weekly average number of complaints of international fraud calls in 31 provinces nationwide dropped by more than 90% compared with that before interception.

In terms of "inclusive growth", we continued to promote the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which covered 280000 employees and trained 1.168 million employees. Efforts have been made to reduce the digital divide, with a cumulative investment of more than 40 billion yuan. 121243 remote villages have newly opened telephone services, 27995 administrative villages have newly opened broadband services, more than 600000 rural service outlets, and rural information networks have sent more than 35 billion agricultural information. Actively supporting social welfare, China Mobile's "Blue Dream" has donated 115 million yuan in ten years, donated 2110 love libraries, 1070 multimedia classrooms, donated more than 4.2 million books, and trained 70539 principals in central and western China. China Mobile's Love "Heart" Initiative has donated 65 million yuan in five years, provided free congenital heart disease screening for 26002 poor children, and provided free surgical treatment for 2456 poor children with congenital heart disease.

In terms of "sustainable value", as of the end of June 2015, China Mobile had 940000 4G base stations, becoming the world's largest 4G network covering more than 1 billion people, and opened 4G international roaming in 82 countries and regions. Adhere to green operation, and through the implementation of the "Green Action Plan", the electricity consumption per unit business volume in 2014 was 74% lower than that in 2007, with a cumulative electricity saving of 49.7 billion kilowatt hours, equivalent to a reduction of 42 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

China Mobile has established a corporate social responsibility organization system with deep management participation, horizontal coordination of various professional departments, vertical coverage of all subordinate units, and a strategic corporate social responsibility management system including four modules of strategy, implementation, performance, and communication, which has been selected by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council as one of the benchmark enterprises for improving central corporate social responsibility management. In September this year, China Mobile was selected into the Dow Jones Sustainable Development Index series for the eighth consecutive year. Many typical practices of social responsibility, such as "rural engineering", "green action", "new rural cooperative medical care", and "E mine", were used as case teaching by world famous business schools, such as Harvard Business School in the United States and Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom. In the "Social Responsibility Development Index of Top 300 Chinese Enterprises (2014)" released by the Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Mobile ranked second and the communication industry ranked first.

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