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The first screen shot trial video of the psv version of "The Warrior vs the Dragon Creator" was released

Time: 2015-10-24 10:42:25 Source: K73 video game home Author: Junior four degree of heat: one hundred and ninety-five second

This week, Juvenile vjump officially released a new demonstration video. This video shows the real machine trial video of the PSV and PS4 versions of the game. From the demonstration video, the completion of the game is extremely high, and the picture performance is quite cute.

This week, Juvenile vjump officially released a new demonstration video. This video shows the real machine trial video of the PSV and PS4 versions of the game. From the demonstration video, the completion of the game is extremely high, and the picture performance is quite cute.

 The first screen shot trial video of the psv version of "The Warrior vs the Dragon Creator" was released

This trial video is the initial adventure continent of the game highlighted by K73 some time ago メルキド The introduction and trial play of the game, as well as some special contents of the game.

The Brave Man Fighting the Dragon Builder is scheduled to log on to PlayStation 4 on January 28, 2016, PlayStation 3, PS Vita。

22 minute trial video of Brave Man Fighting the Dragon Builder (PS4):

PlayStation version 4 demo at (04:00 to 11:00 and 13:00 to 13:30)

PS Vita demo at (17:30 to 19:00)

Play video of the psv version of the brave fight against the dragon builder:

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 The brave fight against the dragon The builder

The brave fight against the dragon The builder

Game platform: PSV PS3 PS4 Android

Game type: cosplay other Sandbox to open up

Date of Sale: 2016-4-28 Release date of all versions
PSV Daily Edition: 2016-1-28
PS4 Japanese version: 2016-1-28
PS3 Japanese version: 2016-1-28
PSV Chinese version: 2016-4-28
PS3 Chinese version: 2016-4-28
PS4 Chinese version: 2016-4-28

Game version: Japanese edition American edition European version Chinese version

Game tag: Game recommendation Classic Games Funny games Online games


Total score Player rating: forty-five K73 Score: forty-eight
frame: nine
plot: nine
System: nine
music: nine
Playable: nine

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