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 Modern Q17A LCD
Modern Q17A LCD latest price:
Product type: desktop display Size: 17 inch dot pitch (mm): 0.285 Contrast: 600:1 Widescreen: Yes (dot pitch (mm): 0.285; Display specification: below 17 inches; Main interface: VGA)
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 Modern X70W LCD
Modern X70W LCD latest price:
Product type: desktop display Size: 17 inch dot pitch (mm): 0.285 Contrast: 500:1 Widescreen: Yes (dot pitch (mm): 0.285; Display specification: below 17 inches; Main interface: VGA)
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  3MT LCD Query
LCD related search
· LCD: (visual angle (horizontal/vertical): 150 ° horizontal/135 ° vertical; Display size: 17 inches; Main interface: VGA)
· LCD display: (product type: desktop type; display size: 20 inches; display specification: 20 inches; LCD board type: MVA; main interface: VGA)
· LCD: (HDCP protocol: supported; viewing angle (horizontal/vertical): 170 degrees horizontal/160 degrees vertical; Display size: 24 inches; LCD board type: TN)
· LCD: (visual angle (horizontal/vertical): 170 degrees horizontal/160 degrees vertical; Screen scale: 16:10; Display specification: below 17 inches)
· LCD display: (TV function: TV function; screen scale: 16:9; display size: 65 inches; display specification: more than 30 inches)
· LCD: (contrast: 12000:1; main interface: VGA+DVI)
· LCD display: (product type: desktop; widescreen: yes; screen ratio: 16:10; monitor specification: above 30 inches; main interface: VGA)
· LCD display: (resolution: 1280 × 1024; widescreen: no; display size: 19 inches; display specification: 19 inches)
· LCD: (price: 1500; product type: desktop; widescreen: no)
· LCD display: (product type: desktop; widescreen: yes; screen scale: 5:4; display size: 19 inches; display specification: 19 inches; response time (ms): 5; Main interface: DVI)
· LCD: (HDCP protocol: supported; price: 1000; TV function: with TV TV function; widescreen: yes)
· LCD: (product type: desktop type; size (inch): 17; Wide screen: Yes; Screen scale: 5:4; Main interface: VGA+DVI)
· LCD: (product type: desktop; contrast: 5 million: 1 (dynamic); Screen scale: 16:10)
· LCD display: (price: 2000; screen scale: 16:9; display size: 27 inches; main interface: VGA+DVI)
· LCD display: (price: 4000; display specification: 26 inches)