Dealer quotation:
Manufacturer's guide price:
manufacturer: Dongfeng Nissan
Level: Compact car
Warranty: 3 years or 100000 km
oil consumption: --
Fuel and label: 92#
Appearance dimension

five Seat four door

Vehicle length (mm): four thousand six hundred and fifty-two Vehicle width (mm): one thousand eight hundred and fifteen

Vehicle height (mm): one thousand five hundred and three

Wheel base (mm): two thousand seven hundred and twelve

Dynamic acceleration

0-100km/h acceleration (s): 12.0~12.2

Displacement (L): 1.2/1.6

Gear: CVT/MT

Horsepower: 72~135

Highlight configuration
Head air curtain Electric adjustment of driver's seat Adaptive Cruise (ACC) Parallel auxiliary Fuel consumption display Temperature zone control Front and rear parking radar Adaptive high and low beam Seat lumbar support adjustment 360 degree panoramic image

sylphy All car models

Car payment
Guide price
National lowest quotation
Increased program 72 horsepower
1.2L naturally aspirated 136 hp
1.6L naturally aspirated 122HP
1.6L naturally aspirated 135 hp
1.6L naturally aspirated other horsepower

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