
    [Slow hand] The new JBLSoundGear FRAMES: open design, perfect integration of high-quality music and fashion

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhishang Shalin

    JBLSoundGear Frames JBL Soundgear Frames headset It is a brand new intelligent audio device, which perfectly combines music with fashion and brings users an unprecedented hearing experience.

    The biggest feature of this product is its open design, which enables users to hear the surrounding sound clearly while enjoying high-quality music. It is very suitable for outdoor activities or when they need to be alert. In addition, its appearance is also very unique. It uses a circular frame design and amber lenses, which are both beautiful and practical.

    In terms of parameters, this headset is equipped with a high-performance battery, which can play music for up to 8 hours continuously, and supports fast charging. It can be fully charged in a short time. At the same time, it also has excellent waterproof performance, which can prevent rain or sweat from damaging it to a certain extent.

    In general, this JBLSoundGear Frames JBL Soundgear Frames wireless Bluetooth headset not only has excellent design and powerful functions, but also is very durable, which is an ideal choice for music lovers. Whether it's daily travel or sports fitness, it can provide you with excellent music experience. If you also like music and pursue a personalized lifestyle, then you might as well try this product!

     JBL Soundgear Frames

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand] The new JBLSoundGear FRAMES: open design, perfect integration of high-quality music and fashion true report one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight This JBLSoundGear Frames JBL Soundgear Frames wireless Bluetooth headset is a new intelligent audio device, which perfectly combines music with fashion and brings users an unprecedented hearing experience. The biggest feature of this product is that it adopts an open design, so that users can clearly hear the surrounding sound while enjoying high-quality music, which is very suitable for home use
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