
    [Slow hands] HP Z2 mini G9: Small size, powerful body -- ideal for professional designers

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    HP( HP )Z2 mini G9 is a small high-performance graphic design for professional designers workstation host. Its characteristics are small size, easy to carry, and powerful performance, which can meet various complex graphics processing needs.

    This computer is suitable for business office, study and professional graphic design. It is equipped with the latest Intel Core i9-13900K processor, 64GB of large memory and 1TB of high-speed solid state disk, which can quickly run large Software And multitasking operations. In addition, it is equipped with a set of keyboard and mouse equipment to facilitate users to work efficiently.

    In general, HP Z2 mini G9 is a small workstation host with high cost performance, which is a good choice for both individual and enterprise users. If you need a professional computer that can provide powerful performance in a small space, then this computer is definitely worth considering. The current price is 17499.0 yuan, which is worth more!

     HP Z2 mini G9 13th generation Core (i9 13900K/64GB/1TB/Integrated Display)

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] HP Z2 mini G9: Small size, powerful body -- ideal for professional designers true report nine hundred and ninety-four HP Z2 mini G9 is a small high-performance graphics design workstation host designed for professional designers. Its characteristics are small size, easy to carry, and powerful performance, which can meet various complex graphics processing needs. This computer is suitable for business office, study and professional graphic design. It is equipped with the latest Intel Core i9-13900K processor
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