
    [Slow hand without] JOSEPH HF1215: Efficient and silent 12cm ARGB color box fan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Liu Xu Weimeng

    Josper HF1215 It is a product specially designed for users who need efficient cooling systems. This black 12cm Fantasy chassis fan adopts FDB bearing and PWM temperature control technology, which can provide stable performance and effectively reduce noise level.

    In terms of parameters, the working voltage of this fan includes two modes: DC12V and LED 5V, and it supports ARGB lighting effect. The fan speed can be adjusted between 700 and 1800 RPM, and the maximum air volume can reach 62 CFM. In addition, it is also equipped with a 4pin power interface, which can be easily connected to various devices.

    For the heat dissipation mode, the Joshberg HF1215 adopts an air cooling system, which can effectively control the temperature while maintaining good performance. Moreover, its noise level is also quite excellent, fluctuating in the range of 18.6 to 29.7 dBA, which will not affect the normal use experience of users.

    To sum up, the Joshber HF1215 is a powerful chassis fan with high cost performance. It can perform well in both PC and server environments. If you are looking for a high-quality cooling solution, you may want to consider this product.

     Josep HF1215

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] JOSEPH HF1215: Efficient mute 12cm ARGB color box fan true report one thousand and fifty-one Josep HF1215 is a product designed for users who need efficient cooling systems. This black 12cm Fantasy chassis fan adopts FDB bearing and PWM temperature control technology, which can provide stable performance and effectively reduce noise level. In terms of parameters, the working voltage of this fan includes two modes: DC12V and LED 5V, and it supports ARGB lighting effect. Its fan speed can range from 700 to 18
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