
    [Slow hand without] Efficient mute! Jingyan Xiaomi mini computer radiator, your best partner for small computers

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Luo Xiaoai

    Jingyan Xiaomi mini computer radiator It is a small and efficient heat dissipation device specially designed for small computers. This radiator is suitable for all kinds of small computers, such as small desktops or laptops for office use.

    This radiator adopts the latest air cooling technology, which can effectively reduce the heat generated when the computer is running and ensure the stable operation of the computer. Its built-in 2500 RPM high-speed fan can quickly discharge heat, and the low power consumption design can provide good cooling effect without additional power consumption.

    In addition, this radiator also has a mute function, which will not produce too much noise interference even if it works for a long time. It is equipped with a USB power supply interface, which can be used normally without external power supply, and is very convenient.

    Jingyan Xiaomi mini computer radiator is a small computer cooling device with high cost performance, which is very suitable for both office and home use. If you are looking for a small, efficient and quiet radiator, this product is definitely worth considering.

     Jingyan Millet MINI

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] Efficient mute! Jingyan Xiaomi mini computer radiator, your best partner for small computers true report one thousand and one Jingyan Xiaomi mini computer radiator is a small and efficient cooling device specially designed for small computers. This radiator is suitable for all kinds of small computers, such as small desktops or laptops for office use. This radiator adopts the latest air cooling technology, which can effectively reduce the heat generated when the computer is running and ensure the stable operation of the computer. Its built-in 2500 RPM high-speed fan can quickly
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