
    [Slow hand without] Efficient mute! Recommended CPU heat sink for cool cool i30/i50/i70 computers

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: River of Dream

    The cool cold supreme i30/i50/i70 is designed for Intel Platform designed downforce computer host components CPU radiator This radiator It adopts advanced mute technology and has excellent heat dissipation performance, which can effectively reduce CPU temperature To ensure the stable operation of the computer.

    In addition, this radiator is also equipped with a high-quality fan, which can provide a stable air volume. At the same time, the noise control is very good, and you will not feel noisy even if you use it for a long time. Its size is moderate, suitable for various sizes of chassis, and it is very convenient to install.

    This radiator is a good choice for people who like playing games or need to process a large amount of data. It can help your computer to keep good working condition and make you more fluent in games or work.

    Kulengzhizun i30/i50/i70 is a CPU radiator, a computer host component with high cost performance. It is a first-class product in terms of appearance and performance. If you are looking for an excellent radiator, consider this product.

     Cool Cool i70C

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] Efficient mute! Recommended CPU heat sink for cool cool i30/i50/i70 computers true report nine hundred and ninety-five Cool Cool Supreme i30/i50/i70 is a CPU heat sink, a downforce computer host component designed for Intel platform. This radiator adopts advanced mute technology and has excellent heat dissipation performance, which can effectively reduce the CPU temperature and ensure the stable operation of the computer. In addition, this radiator is also equipped with a high-quality fan, which can provide a stable air volume, while the noise control is very good
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