
    [Slow hand without] High performance&high security: recommended by Lenovo Kaitian M740Z-P business designer desktop

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Have you met him

    Lenovo Kaitian M740Z -P is a home-made business designer Desktop The computer is suitable for the work demand in the commercial office environment. This computer is equipped with Feiteng D2000 processor and 2GB unique display, which is fast and stable; Equipped with 8GB memory and 1TB mechanical hard disk, the storage space is sufficient.

    In addition, this computer is pre installed Jinshan WPS , OFD and anti-virus software To meet the needs of daily office work. At the same time, it supports the national security algorithm to ensure data security. The chassis size is 3-9.9L, which is easy to place in various environments.

    Lenovo Kaitian M740Z-P is a commercial desktop computer with high cost performance, which is reliable in both performance and security. If you are looking for a computer suitable for business office, you may want to consider this product.

     Lenovo (Lenovo) M740Z-P Feiteng D2000/8GB/1TB/2G unique/pre installed anti-virus software single host

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] High performance&high security: recommended by Lenovo Kaitian M740Z-P business designer desktop true report eight hundred and seventy-one Lenovo Kaitian M740Z-P is a home-made desktop computer for business designers, which is suitable for the work needs in a commercial office environment. This computer is equipped with Feiteng D2000 processor and 2GB unique display, which is fast and stable; Equipped with 8GB memory and 1TB mechanical hard disk, the storage space is sufficient. In addition, Kingsoft WPS, OFD and anti-virus software are pre installed on this computer to meet the needs of daily office work. At the same time
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