
    [Slow hand] Peninsula iron box ice mirror W360 luxury version: all-in-one water-cooling, ARGB light effect, intelligent temperature control, to protect your computer!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Name of Tears

    This peninsula iron box Ice Mirror W360 Luxury Edition Integrated water cooling CPU radiator , suitable for various computer configurations, and has excellent performance.

    In terms of appearance design, this radiator The black tone is adopted, giving people a sense of stability and atmosphere. At the same time, it is also equipped with ARGB lighting effect, which can synchronize with your motherboard, making your computer more cool.

    In terms of technical parameters, this radiator uses 360 cold exhaust, which can effectively reduce CPU temperature To ensure the stable operation of the computer. In addition, its compatible interfaces are also very wide, which can be used for both the AMD AM4 platform and the INTEL LGA1700 platform.

    In terms of use experience, this radiator has an intelligent temperature control function, which can automatically adjust the fan speed according to the actual temperature of the CPU, so as to achieve the best cooling effect. Moreover, its noise control is also very good, even if it works for a long time, it will not produce too much noise interference.

    This peninsula iron box ice mirror W360 luxury version is a very excellent CPU radiator, which has excellent performance in both performance and user experience. If you are looking for a suitable CPU heat sink, you may want to consider this product.

     Peninsula Iron Box Ice Mirror W360 Deluxe Edition

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand] Peninsula iron box ice mirror W360 luxury version: all-in-one water-cooling, ARGB light effect, intelligent temperature control, to protect your computer! true report one thousand and eighty-seven This peninsula iron box ice mirror W360 luxury version is an integrated water-cooled CPU radiator, suitable for various computer configurations, and has excellent performance. In the appearance design, this radiator adopts a black tone, giving a sense of stability and atmosphere. At the same time, it is also equipped with ARGB lighting effect, which can synchronize with your motherboard, making your computer more cool. In terms of technical parameters, this heat dissipation
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