
    [Manual slow without] Overfrequency Three Red Sea MINI: efficient mute AMD desktop CPU heat sink

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    The Red Sea MINI launched by PCCOOLER is an efficient product specially designed for AMD desktop CPU radiator , suitable for various applications requiring high-performance processor support.

    This radiator uses four efficient copper heat pipes, which can quickly transfer heat from the CPU and further reduce the temperature through a large silent fan. The fan speed is up to 2200 RPM, which can ensure the cooling effect while maintaining a low noise level.

    In addition, the Red Sea MINI is also equipped with a standard 3-pin power interface, which can be easily connected to the motherboard power supply system. Its compact design makes it very suitable for installation in a limited space. It is an ideal choice for users who pursue performance and portability.

    PCCOOLER Red Sea MINI has become the trusted choice of many users due to its excellent heat dissipation capacity and low noise operation characteristics. If you are looking for a heat sink suitable for your AMD CPU, you may want to consider this product.

     Overfrequency Three Red Sea H4

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Manual slow without] Overfrequency Three Red Sea MINI: efficient mute AMD desktop CPU heat sink true report nine hundred and forty-seven The Red Sea MINI launched by PCCOOLER is an efficient heat sink specially designed for AMD desktop CPUs, which is suitable for various applications requiring high-performance processor support. This radiator uses four efficient copper heat pipes, which can quickly transfer heat from the CPU and further reduce the temperature through a large silent fan. The fan speed is up to 2200 RPM, which can guarantee
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