
    [Slow hand without] Super performance! Longjing Intel Xeon 8468, suitable for big data and cloud services

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Have you met him

    Longjing Intel Xeon 8468 is a high-performance CPU, which is suitable for various application scenarios requiring strong computing power, such as big data processing, cloud computing services, etc.

    This CPU adopts Xeon's fourth generation technology, has 48 cores and 96 threads, and can provide powerful multitasking capability and efficient computing speed. The maximum acceleration frequency is 3.8GHz, and the minimum main frequency is 2.1GHz. The operation status can be flexibly adjusted according to the actual needs to achieve the best performance.

    In addition, this CPU is also equipped with a 350W power module, which can meet the stable power supply demand under high load. It adopts advanced packaging technology, has good heat dissipation effect, and can work stably for a long time under high temperature environment.

    Longjing Intel Xeon 8468 is an excellent high-end Server CPU , both in data processing and application development. If you are looking for an efficient and stable server CPU, this product is definitely worth your consideration.

     Intel Xeon Platinum 8468

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] Super performance! Longjing Intel Xeon 8468, suitable for big data and cloud services true report nine hundred and fifty-eight Longjing Intel Xeon 8468 is a high-performance CPU, which is suitable for various application scenarios requiring strong computing power, such as big data processing, cloud computing services, etc. This CPU adopts Xeon's fourth generation technology, has 48 cores and 96 threads, and can provide powerful multitasking capability and efficient computing speed. Its maximum acceleration frequency is 3.8GHz, and the minimum main frequency is 2.1GHz
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