
    [Slow hand] High efficiency! Dell Precision T3660/T3680 Professional Workstation Helps You Create

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Luo Xiaoai

    If you are a graphic rendering or modeling designer, and are looking for one that can help you improve your efficiency in your work workstation , then Dell Precision T3660/T3680 may be your ideal choice.

    This workstation is excellent in performance. It is equipped with the latest Intel i9-14900K processor, has 24 cores and the maximum Rui frequency of 3.2GHz, and can easily handle various complex computing tasks. In addition, it is also equipped with 128GB high-speed memory, 1TB SSD hard disk, and an additional storage space that can be expanded to 4TB, so you don't need to worry about speed when dealing with large files.

    For graphic rendering and modeling workers, a powerful graphics card is essential. Dell Precision T3660/T3680 provides two different graphics card options: RTX40 and RTX4090. Among them, the RTX4090 has 24GB of video memory, which can provide a smooth gaming experience and fast design response time in high resolution.

    In addition to the excellent hardware configuration, the Dell Precision T3660/T3680 also has a good cooling effect to ensure that it will not overheat after a long time of operation. Its cabinet adopts tower design, which is convenient for users to upgrade and maintain internal components.

    In general, Dell Precision T3660/T3680 is a professional workstation with powerful functions and excellent performance, which is very suitable for designers and other professionals who need high-performance computers. Although its price is high, considering its excellent performance and durability, this is definitely a worthwhile investment.

     Dell Precision T3680 (i9 14900K/128GB/1TB+4TB/RTX4090)

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand] High efficiency! Dell Precision T3660/T3680 Professional Workstation Helps You Create true report one thousand three hundred and thirty-two If you are a graphic rendering or modeling designer and looking for a workstation that can help you improve efficiency in your work, Dell Precision T3660/T3680 may be your ideal choice. This workstation is excellent in performance. It is equipped with the latest Intel i9-14900K processor, has 24 cores and 3.2GHz maximum Rui frequency, and can easily cope with various
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