
    [Slow hand] Powerful and stable! Xinhua III (H3C) US552S-X 10 Gigabit uplink Ethernet intelligent manageable three-layer switch recommendation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    This Xinhuasan (H3C) US552S-X 10 Gigabit uplink Ethernet intelligent manageable three-layer switch is a high-performance core switch, which is suitable for data transmission requirements in large network environments.

    In terms of performance, it is equipped with 48 gigabit electrical ports, 2 gigabit optical ports and 2 10 gigabit optical ports, which can meet the needs of large-scale data transmission. In addition, its downstream port speed is gigabit, while the upstream port speed is 10 gigabit, with excellent throughput and high-speed data processing capabilities.

    In terms of usage scenarios, this switch is very suitable for applications requiring efficient and stable data transmission, such as enterprise data centers, cloud computing platforms, etc.

    In addition to its powerful performance and extensive application scenarios, this switch also has some other features. For example, it can realize remote management and monitoring, so that users can know the working status of equipment at any time and solve problems in a timely manner. At the same time, it also supports cloud management, and can configure and maintain devices through the cloud, greatly improving work efficiency.

    This Xinhuasan (H3C) US552S-X 10 Gigabit uplink Ethernet intelligent manageable three-layer switch is a very excellent high-end switch, which is excellent both in terms of performance and use experience. If you are looking for a switch that can meet the needs of large capacity data transmission, you may want to consider this product.

     H3C US552S-X

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand] Powerful and stable! Xinhua III (H3C) US552S-X 10 Gigabit uplink Ethernet intelligent manageable three-layer switch recommendation true report one thousand one hundred and ninety This Xinhuasan (H3C) US552S-X 10 Gigabit uplink Ethernet intelligent manageable three-layer switch is a high-performance core switch, which is suitable for data transmission requirements in large network environments. In terms of performance, it is equipped with 48 gigabit electrical ports, 2 gigabit optical ports and 2 10 gigabit optical ports, which can meet the needs of large-scale data transmission. In addition, its downstream port rate is gigabit, while the upstream port rate is
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