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  • ask Virtue, business, morality and tranquility


    As he grew older, he had to sigh that he wanted to do something when he was free. Not long ago, because I was worried about the leakage of the water-cooled radiator, and in order to have a better mute effect, I gave my i5-14600KF power supply

    Respondent: Nightmare Flying Thunder LV1
    Agreed (0)
  • ask Deshang Biku bequiet! PureBase500DX chassis features


    The chassis has evolved again after following the advantages of the PureBase500 launched last year. In addition to comprehensively optimizing the overall air duct performance, it still has the advantages of silence and increased use comfort. In addition, it also has a dazzling ARGB dazzling light effect, which can be completed

    Respondent: ra00qw LV37 Distinguished experts
    Agreed (3)

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