
    Disdain heat owl NH-D15 air-cooled tower special

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online]

    [Zhongguancun Online Guangdong Market] Owl NH-D15 radiator Recently, we launched a special promotion at the "Guangzhou Pinye DIY Installation Mall". The preferential price is 659 yuan. Good things and good prices are worth starting! Interested friends can go directly to 306A, the third floor of Zhongcheng Digital Plaza (the former Pacific Digital Plaza A), Shipai West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou for details Owl NH-D15 The promotion information of radiator can also be consulted (Tel: 13682271560 020-87564643 QQ :528184658 )The merchant.

    Business activities: the ceiling of the air-cooled world disdains the heat owl NH-D15 air-cooled six tube tower special! Full platform support! [Guangzhou Pinye Boutique Installation Mall, Gigabyte/Asustek special dealers, and Zhongguancun online time-honored brand quality certification recommenders!] Mall link: Tel: 020-87564643 13682271560( WeChat Same number) Customer service QQ: 2908730364 1906802174 Our store supports nationwide online shopping, and has all kinds of computer peripheral products. Guangzhou urban area can provide door-to-door delivery service, and support door-to-door self pickup! Our store can fully support enterprises and companies to deduct 13% VAT invoices. Welcome to discuss business! More favorable installation and matching of the whole machine! [The offline+online dual mode operation of physical stores does not sell the routine. They are honest, practical, trustworthy and resolute!] View

    Product model Market price (yuan) Commodity quotation (yuan) Up and down (yuan)
    Owl NH-D15
    six hundred and ninety-nine six hundred and fifty-nine -40
    Price collection date: January 15, 2024 (if the price fluctuates, the merchant's quotation shall prevail) View Products

     Owl NH-D15
    The picture is: HD live shot of owl NH-D15

    Interpretation of main parameters of owl NH-D15:
    Radiator type CPU radiator Heat dissipation mode Air cooling, heat pipe
    Scope of application Intel LGA2011 (Wide ILM) Input power No data temporarily
    Fan size 140×150×25(with 120mm Bearing type SSO2
    noise 24.6dB Revolution description No data temporarily
    It's worth buying today
    When consulting, Zhongguancun Online will get better price and better service!
    Product name: Owl NH-D15
    Reference price: 659 yuan Online purchase
    Merchant name: Guangzhou Pinye DIY Installation Mall
    contact information: 13682271560 020-87564643
    QQ No.: Contact me
    Contact address: 306A, Floor 3, Zhongcheng Digital Plaza (formerly Yard A, Pacific Digital Plaza), Shipai West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Disdain heat owl NH-D15 air-cooled tower special true report one thousand four hundred and seventy-one [Zhongguancun Online Guangdong Market] Owl NH-D15 radiator has recently been on sale in the "Guangzhou Pinye DIY Installation Mall". The preferential price is 659 yuan. Good things and good prices are worth starting with! Interested friends can go directly to 306A, the third floor of Zhongcheng Digital Plaza (formerly Pacific Plaza A), Shipai West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou for details, and also for information about the promotion of owl NH-D15 radiator
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