Commentator of People's Daily: Stimulate new development vitality by deepening reform

——On the Study and Implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech at the Symposium of Experts in the Economic and Social Fields

Commentator of this newspaper

05:21, August 29, 2020 Source: People's Daily

Reform is the key to the liberation and development of social productive forces and the fundamental driving force for national development. At the symposium of experts in the economic and social fields held a few days ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to stimulate new development vitality by deepening reform, pointed out that as China entered a new stage of development, reform also faces new tasks, and must show greater courage and take more measures to break down deep-seated institutional barriers, adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, Modernizing the national governance system and capabilities.

The magnificent reform has been carried forward in China for more than 40 years, and has made great achievements recognized by the world. For more than 40 years, the Chinese people have taken decisive steps on the journey of becoming rich and strong by firmly grasping the source of vitality of reform and opening up, the development and progress of contemporary China, and constantly emancipating the mind, liberating and developing social productivity, liberating and enhancing social vitality. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has made unprecedented efforts to comprehensively deepen the reform, focusing on strengthening the system, integrity and synergy of reform, focusing on major institutional innovation, improving the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, gnawing down many hard bones, and breaking through many rapids and rapids, It has injected a strong impetus into economic and social development, provided a strong guarantee for maintaining social stability, ensuring that people live and work in peace and contentment, and safeguarding national security, significantly enhanced the vitality of social development and innovation, and further demonstrated the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

The society is constantly developing and progressing, and the system and mechanism for regulating social relations and social activities are constantly improving, so as to constantly adapt to the requirements of liberating and developing social productivity. Practice tells us that the more severe and complex the development environment is, the more we must unswervingly deepen reform, improve all aspects of the system, improve the governance system, promote better transformation and integration of institutional construction and governance effectiveness, and be good at using institutional advantages to deal with risks, challenges and shocks. Entering a new stage of development, how to prepare for a series of new risks and challenges in the face of more adverse external environment? In the face of the still prominent imbalance and inadequacy in development, how can we meet the people's ever-increasing demands for a better life? "Development leads to problems, and reform leads to problems." In order to build a new development pattern, create new advantages for development, and create a new situation of development, we must stimulate new development vitality by deepening reform in the case of profound and complex changes in the internal conditions and external environment of development. Only by giving full play to the breakthrough and leading role of reform, relying on reform to deal with changes and open up new situations, relying on reform to break the bottleneck of development, gather development advantages, enhance development momentum, and promote reform to better serve the overall situation of economic and social development, can we successfully complete the main goals and tasks of the 13th Five Year Plan, fight poverty and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, Seize the momentum to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and march towards the second century goal.

Today, China has significant institutional advantages, improved governance efficiency, long-term economic growth, strong material foundation, rich human resources, broad market space, strong development resilience, social stability, and many advantages and conditions for continued development. This is the confidence and confidence in the new development stage to continue to comprehensively deepen reform. At the same time, the deeper the reform goes, the more important it is to take the responsibility, move quickly and steadily, and unswervingly break down the barriers of interest consolidation and the institutional and institutional drawbacks that hinder development. We should make greater efforts to adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, adhere to integrity and innovation, blaze new trails in innovation, and boldly explore our own future development path, so that the system can be more mature and stereotyped, development can be better, governance can be better, and people can feel more rewarding. We should adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, make the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and create a long-term stable and predictable institutional environment. We should continue to strengthen the protection of property rights and intellectual property rights, build a high standard market system, improve the fair competition system, stimulate the development vitality of market subjects, and make all sources of power conducive to the development of social productivity flow fully.

More than 40 years of history has fully proved that reform and opening up is a great revolution in the history of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and it is this great revolution that has promoted the great leap of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Entering a new stage of development, facing new opportunities and challenges, we will continue to carry out reform and opening up with the spirit of opening up to the outside world, giving full play to institutional advantages, and stimulating new development vitality. We will surely win the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and create new and greater miracles on the new journey.

People's Daily (August 29, 2020, Version 01)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xinyun, Yang Guangyu)

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