Xi Jinping Chairs the Symposium of Scientists and Delivers an Important Speech

20:50, September 11, 2020 Source: Xinhua News Agency


Xi Jinping Chairs the Symposium of Scientists to Emphasize

Facing the World Scientific and Technological Frontiers and the Main Economic Battlefield

Facing major national needs, facing people's life and health

Constantly march towards the breadth and depth of science and technology

Wang Huning and Han Zheng attended

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 11 Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hosted a symposium of scientists in Beijing on the afternoon of September 11 and delivered an important speech, listening to opinions on the development of China's science and technology during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. He stressed that China's economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood need more scientific and technological solutions than ever before, and more need to strengthen innovation as the first driving force. The majority of Chinese scientists and scientific and technological workers have confidence, will and ability to reach the peak of science. It is hoped that scientists and scientific and technological workers will shoulder their historical responsibilities, adhere to facing the world's scientific and technological frontier, facing the main battlefield of the economy, facing the major needs of the country, facing the people's life and health, and continue to march towards the breadth and depth of science and technology.

Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the symposium.

At the symposium, Xu Kuangdi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yao Qizhi, president of the Academy of Cross Information Research of Tsinghua University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shi Yigong, president of West Lake University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chen Zunning, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wang Jian, chairman of Alibaba Group's Technical Committee and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Fu Qiaomei, a researcher of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dai Wei, a distinguished professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and other seven scientists made speeches successively, putting forward opinions and suggestions on deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system and promoting scientific and technological innovation and development. Xi Jinping exchanged views with each of the scientists who spoke, and discussed in depth some major scientific and technological issues and the reform and innovation of the scientific and technological system.

After carefully listening to the speeches, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He said that everyone made a good speech and put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions in combination with their respective research fields. Please study and absorb them carefully.

Xi Jinping pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have attached great importance to scientific and technological innovation and insisted on taking innovation as the first driving force for development. Through the joint efforts of the whole society, China's scientific and technological undertakings have made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. Major innovation achievements have emerged in a race, and some frontier fields have entered the stage of parallel and leading. Scientific and technological strength is making a qualitative leap from the accumulation of quantity, and from the breakthrough of point to the improvement of system capability. In the process of fighting against COVID-19, scientific and technological workers carried out scientific research in many important fields such as treatment, vaccine research and development, prevention and control, which provided strong support and made significant contributions to the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all the scientific and technological workers!

Xi Jinping stressed that the world today is undergoing unprecedented changes in a century, and the domestic and international environment facing China's development has undergone profound and complex changes. China's development during the 14th Five Year Plan period and a longer period of time has put forward more urgent requirements for accelerating scientific and technological innovation. Accelerating scientific and technological innovation is the need to promote high-quality development, to realize people's high-quality life, to build a new development pattern, and to smoothly start a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

Xi Jinping stressed that China has a large number of scientific and technological workers and large-scale R&D investment. The key is to improve the ecology of scientific and technological innovation, stimulate innovation and creativity, build a stage for scientists and scientific and technological workers to display their talents, and let scientific and technological innovation achievements emerge continuously. We should adhere to demand orientation and problem orientation, and accelerate the development of technologies that can quickly break through and solve problems in a timely manner; For technologies that are strategic and need to work for a long time, they should be deployed in advance. We should give full play to the advantages of China's socialist system that can concentrate our efforts on major issues, integrate and optimize the allocation of scientific and technological resources, pay close attention to the construction of the innovation system, optimize the combination, set up a number of national laboratories, form our laboratory system, give play to the important role of colleges and universities in scientific research, and promote the tackling of key core technologies in important fields. We should persevere in strengthening basic research, clarify the direction and development goals of China's basic research field, increase investment in basic research, provide necessary policy support in finance, finance, taxation and other aspects, create a good scientific research ecology conducive to basic research, establish a sound scientific evaluation system and incentive mechanism, and continue to adhere to it. We should strengthen the education and training of innovative talents, place education in a more important position, comprehensively improve the quality of education, strengthen the construction of basic disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc., encourage qualified universities to actively set up basic research, interdisciplinary related disciplines, strengthen the cultivation of basic discipline undergraduates, and focus on cultivating students' innovation awareness and innovation ability. We should rely on reform to stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, effectively release the huge innovation potential through deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system, and resolutely eliminate the "paper only, professional title only, academic qualification only, award only". We should strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation, more actively integrate into the global innovation network, and improve our own scientific and technological innovation capabilities in open cooperation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that scientific achievements cannot be separated from spiritual support. The spirit of scientists is the valuable spiritual wealth accumulated by scientific and technological workers in the long-term scientific practice. It is hoped that the majority of scientific and technological workers will not forget their original intention, keep their mission in mind, uphold the supremacy of national interests and people's interests, inherit and carry forward the excellent qualities of older generation scientists who are mindful of the motherland and serve the people, carry forward the spirit of "two bombs and one star", take the initiative to shoulder the historic task, and integrate their scientific pursuit into the great cause of building a socialist modern country. The majority of scientific and technological workers should establish the ambition of daring to create, dare to put forward new theories, open up new fields, explore new paths, and work hard on originality and uniqueness. We should produce more high-level original achievements and make contributions to the continuous enrichment and development of the scientific system. Scientific and technological workers should be encouraged to focus on their own scientific research, study hard, and do not admire vanity, fame and wealth. We should widely publicize the vivid deeds of scientific and technological workers who have the courage to explore and devote themselves to science. Curiosity is human nature, and the guidance and cultivation of scientific interest should start from children, so that they can learn more about scientific knowledge, master scientific methods, and form a large group of young people with scientific potential.

Xi Jinping stressed that Party committees and governments at all levels, as well as leading cadres at all levels, should conscientiously implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee on scientific and technological innovation, implement the innovation driven development strategy, respect labor, knowledge, talent and creativity, follow the laws of scientific development, promote the continuous emergence of scientific and technological innovation achievements, and transform them into real productive forces. Leading cadres should strengthen the learning of new scientific knowledge and pay attention to the development trend of global science and technology. (The full speech will be issued separately)

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Sun Chunlan, Chen Xi, Huang Kunming, Wan Gang and He Lifeng attended the symposium.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments of the CPC Central Committee, the government, the army and the masses, and representatives of scientists attended the symposium.

(Editor in charge: Bai Yu, Yang Guangyu)