Xi Jinping returns to Beijing after concluding his state visit to France, Serbia and Hungary

The joint statement and inter ministerial agreement reached by the two sides during the meeting between President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and President Makron of the French Republic President Xi Jinping's comments on Serbia List of outcome documents of Hungary's state visit special

A successful journey to inherit friendship, promote unity and open up the future

  • May 5th

    Xi Jinping leaves Beijing for a state visit to France, Serbia and Hungary

  • May 5 local time

    Xi Jinping Arrives in Paris and Begins His State Visit to France

  • In the morning of May 6 local time

    Xi Jinping Arrives at the Elysee Palace and Attends the Tripartite Meeting of Leaders of China, France and Europe

  • In the afternoon of May 6 local time

    Xi Jinping and Ma Kelong attended and addressed the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China France Entrepreneurs Committee, and held talks with Ma Kelong at the Elysee Palace in Paris

  • On the evening of May 6 local time

    Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan attended the welcome banquet held by Ma Kelong and his wife Bridget at the Elysee Palace in Paris

  • May 7 local time

    Xi Jinping flew to Taboo from Paris, France, and continued his state visit to France

  • On the evening of May 7 local time

    Xi Jinping Arrives in Belgrade by Special Plane for a State Visit to Serbia

  • May 8 local time

    Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Serbian President Vucic

  • On the evening of May 8 local time

    Xi Jinping arrived in Budapest by special plane for a state visit to Hungary

  • May 9 local time

    Xi Jinping attended the welcoming ceremony jointly held by President Shuyuk and Prime Minister Orban of Hungary in Budapest, and held talks with Shuyuk and Orban

  • In the evening of May 10 local time

    Xi Jinping left Budapest for home by special plane after concluding his state visit to Hungary

  • Morning of May 11

    Xi Jinping returned to Beijing by special plane after concluding his state visit to France, Serbia and Hungary