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Jinko Energy: orders are full in the fourth quarter, and the operating rate of all links remains at a high level

(Data pictures are for reference only)

According to the record of investor relations activities disclosed by Jingke Energy on November 30, the company's demand in the fourth quarter was strong and the orders were full. The power restriction in the third quarter affected the recovery and the ramp up of new capacity. The current component scheduling and the operating rate of all links remained at a high level.

From the perspective of splitting, in the fourth quarter, China's market demand was strong, and under the incentive of non water renewable energy consumption indicators, the provincial security and market-oriented ground power stations had high expectations for landing. The European market has strong demand, high order visibility, and the backlog of components caused by short-term problems such as logistics turnover is constantly improving.

The company said that the signing of orders was progressing smoothly, and it was confident that it would complete the signing of orders for about half of the total components delivered next year by the end of this year. At present, the signing price is generally stable.

As for silicon material price expectation and market supply, Jinko Energy believes that polycrystalline silicon materials will enter the centralized production period from the end of 2022 to 2023, and the imbalance between silicon material supply and demand will gradually improve after the substantial increase in supply, and the price will gradually return to the normal track. Because the component signing is ahead of the production delivery, when the industrial chain enters the price downward range, the futures attribute of the component order is generally conducive to the retention of profits in the component link, and the profit center of the industrial chain will gradually move from the upstream to the middle and downstream.

Jinko Energy said that in the battery sector, the conversion efficiency of the company's N-type 182 size TOPCon battery laboratory has reached 26.1%, while the large-scale mass production efficiency is more than 25%, and the available yield is the same as that of PERC. In the component link, the highest conversion efficiency of 182 size N-type TOPCon module laboratory has reached 23.86%, and the mainstream efficiency of mass production TigerNeo series 72 one-sided modules is nearly 22.3%. The company expects to introduce SE equipment at the end of 2022, and further improve the battery conversion efficiency based on SE platform in 2023. After the productivity and efficiency are improved, the overall impact on the cost of a single watt is controllable. (Huangpu River)


This column is provided by a third party for reference only and does not constitute investment advice.

key word: Jinko Energy Higher level conversion efficiency

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