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What is refinancing? What are the differences between financing and refinancing?

What is refinancing?

"Refinancing" refers to the behavior of enterprises (more specifically, listed companies) to issue bonds, increase capital and share, and borrow money from outside. For example, listed companies issue new shares to raise funds in the securities market and issue corporate bonds to the outside world, which are refinancing behaviors.

What are the differences between financing and refinancing?

1. Different application objects:

Refinancing is more applicable to enterprises, both individuals and institutions can finance.

2. Different financing methods;

Refinancing refers to the direct financing of listed companies in the securities market through allotment of shares, additional issuance and issuance of convertible bonds

Financing means that individuals and institutions borrow money from securities dealers to speculate in stocks after opening margin accounts. The financing ratio is 1:1

key word: What is refinancing Difference between financing and refinancing Financing source Capital increase and share expansion

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