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"Window throwing" should not become the resistance of social civilization

Time of publication: 07:58:00, February 9, 2016 Source: China Youth Network

At the moment of advocating urban civilization, throwing windows has become a major bad habit of civilization that hinders the progress of social civilization. When I went out this morning, the author once again encountered a sobering scene: a group of waste paper towels were thrown from a white car waiting for the traffic lights, which were disharmoniously scattered in the middle of the slightly empty road, especially conspicuous.

Parabolic windows are not a new topic. There have been many reports in the media, and public opinion has a consistent tone of condemnation. It is strange that such a bad civilization habit, which has been criticized by all parties, appears in the public's view from time to time like "psoriasis in the corridor", which is incompatible with the degree of civilization that this society should have.

The casual habit is the most commonly used excuse for some people when facing media exposure. They think that throwing a waste paper towel and a drink bottle outside the car is just a habitual action, not intentional, and there is no need to condemn too much, which should represent the views of some people in society.

There are good habits and bad habits. Good habits should be adhered to, and bad habits should certainly be corrected. In terms of feeling and reason, "window throwing" should be included in the column of bad habits. It is natural to correct it. If you can get self forgiveness or even neglect connivance just because of your casual habits, it will be extremely unfavorable to the construction of the atmosphere of the whole social civilization or the spiritual improvement of personal civilization quality.

In fact, social civilization is not only a top issue, but also contains thousands of ordinary actions, which is the sum of quite local behaviors. The reason why many people choose "window throwing" is just for the sake of "neatness" of the private environment in the car. In my opinion, the motivation of this behavior is not excessive, but the fault is that it damages the social and public environment, and some even endanger the personal safety of others. A set of statistics is worth mentioning, The number of deaths caused by car window throwing in Chinese cities is up to 400 every year.

In philosophy, there is a saying that matter determines consciousness, and consciousness reflects matter. For the current social development of China, it is a vivid interpretation of the principle that "both economic construction and spiritual civilization construction should be focused on, and both should be hard". In the past three decades of reform and opening up, the material living standard of Chinese residents has significantly improved. While we are delighted to become a car owner with material wealth, have we ignored some of the spiritual civilization construction that should be matched with it. In this regard, the frequent occurrence of bad habits such as "window throwing" may not be an isolated phenomenon, but it may be a wake-up call for us: once the speed of spiritual civilization construction fails to keep up with the material level, it is easy to derive such negative phenomena, thus impeding the process of social civilization.

Social civilization is a slow and long-term process of accumulation. It can never be achieved in one move by a team or an organization alone. As a participant in this society, it is more necessary to establish a sense of responsibility for social civilization and make a modest contribution from me. (Zhao Huaqi)

Editor in charge: Li Xiaowei
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