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      Yanzhuang Village, Mingcun Town, Pingdu City: Exploring a "New" Way of Civilization

      Released at 16:31:56 on July 18, 2023, Long term effective , 172 Browse
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    • Information Details

    Published on: June 7, 2023

    The New Era Civilization Practice Station in Yanzhuang Village, Mingcun Town, Pingdu City focuses on gathering the masses, guiding the masses, transforming the customs with cultural people and customs, taking the "five transmission" of ideas, ethics, culture, policies and science and technology as the focus of work, and taking the rural cultural auditorium as the main front of activities, so as to make civilized practice "new", volunteer services "more", and the new style of civilization "blowing".


    Party building leads development

    Consolidate "civilized practice" with "grass-roots party building", deepen the theme activity of "party building piloting, comparison and learning to catch up", increase theoretical education, party spirit education and ability training for village party members and cadres, and sublimate their deep feelings of patriotism, party love and socialism. Deepen the theme activity of "cohesion of ideals and beliefs", organize party members to visit the Red Education Base of Yang Mingzhai Memorial Hall, carry out activities of "reliving red memory" such as wearing the party emblem, chanting the party constitution, swearing words, singing red songs, telling the party history, and recalling the original heart, so as to increase the sense of ceremony and effectiveness of the anniversary, and let the red gene root in the hearts of party members. Deepen the "core values" practice and cultivation theme activities, and organize village party members to learn and practice social ethics, professional ethics, family virtues, personal morality and other moral behaviors on the monthly theme party day.

    Do a good job of service articles around needs

    According to the requirements of "Five Transmissions", the "Transmission Menu" is formulated. Regularly arrange volunteers to carry out research and statistics on villagers' theoretical learning needs such as culture and skills, and develop monthly "learning menu" according to the research results. "Sweet potato opera class" was set up to customize corresponding theoretical courses for villagers, improve their enthusiasm for learning and entrepreneurship, and let theoretical policies "fly into the homes of ordinary people". Since this year, the practice station has organized and arranged more than 20 characteristic courses, with more than 200 villagers participating. At the same time, based on the actual needs of the village, we regularly carry out volunteer services for the civilized practice of the new era, organize volunteers to visit the elderly and needy people, and clean up road sanitation.

    Integrate resources and share articles

    Integrate the existing resources of rural bookstores, and create a main front for theoretical propaganda and learning. Actively give play to the leading role of the three volunteer service teams of "Pioneer" party members, "Neighborhood Pro" women, and "Good Family Style" culture, focus on monthly thematic theoretical learning, and spread the Party's voice to the grass-roots people through various ways such as lectures, performances, recitations, which greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the people. With the help of volunteer service teams such as Red Scarf Volunteer Group, Legal Aid Group, "Ming Village Youth", Pingdu Drama Association Ming Village Branch, Ming Village Jiaodong Calligraphy and Painting Association, Weijie Theater Group, etc. of the township level New Era Civilization Practice Institute, actively organize "Warm Heart" volunteer service activities and send plays to villages, square dance competitions Rich and colorful cultural and entertainment activities such as farmers' interesting sports meet and "our festival" featured theme activities.

    Next, Yanzhuang Village, Pingdu City will continue to adhere to the "civilized practice" as the starting point, actively explore and innovate, and focus on deepening resource integration and improving the participation of the masses. By carrying out innovative and warm activities, it will promote the deepening, down-to-earth, upgrading and upgrading of civilized practice, so that the new era civilized practice station will become a "warm platform" to gather people's hearts and build a common heart. (Source: Civilized practice in Pingdu)

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    Initial website: http://pingdu.yunhaoren.com/chengshi/15153.html
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