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      Dianzi Town Held Rural Work Conference and Human Settlements Improvement Work Conference

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    Source: Pingdu Government Affairs Website Published on: May 19, 2023

    five month twelve On the morning of the th, Dianzi Town held a rural work conference and a working conference on the improvement of human settlements. Members of the town leadership, heads of relevant stations and departments, directors of all districts, and heads of all villages attended the conference. The meeting was presided over by Geng Shuming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dianzi Town.

    At the meeting, we watched the videos of prominent problems in the town's human settlement environment renovation, notified some prominent problems in some villages, and required all departments, districts and villages to adhere to the problem orientation, clarify the work priorities, namely, check and correct, and effectively improve the overall level of human settlement environment renovation work.

    At the meeting, Geng Shuming, the secretary of the town party committee, put forward five requirements for the current human settlement environment renovation work in combination with the actual situation of the town:

    1、 Attach great importance to and raise awareness

    The renovation of rural residential environment is a popular project to improve the quality of production and life of the masses. It is necessary to improve the political position, gather ideological consensus, raise the working standards, effectively enhance the sense of mission and responsibility, enhance consciousness and initiative, and solidly carry out the renovation activities of the residential environment with good work style to show a good external image.

    2、 Compaction responsibility and joint management

    The renovation of rural residential environment is a systematic project involving a wide range of aspects, many contents and heavy tasks. It is not only a tough battle, but also a lasting battle. To compact and compact With the three-level responsibility system of "township level leadership, district responsibility and village subject", all stations and departments actively participate based on their own duties to create a good situation where everyone participates in environmental remediation and everyone shares the results.

    3、 Highlight key points and promote orderly

    Focusing on the key areas and prominent problems such as sundries in front of the village gate, private construction in the road area outside the village, and floating objects in the bay, pond, and ditch, with the goal of thorough regulation, standardized order, and improved quality and efficiency, we quickly carried out the concentrated action of rural residential environment renovation, fully carried forward the continuous fighting spirit, and set off a new upsurge of environmental sanitation renovation.

    4、 Strengthening mechanism and strict supervision

    Continuously implement the renovation of rural residential environment in the town two hundred and twenty-three Work system "to ensure that the village human settlement environment improvement work has a mechanism to promote, someone to do things, and money to do things. That is, "establish two mechanisms": first, the district will visit every village every week, the town's Human Settlements Office will visit every village every month, and the town will visit every quarter one The promotion mechanism of secondary observation; The second is the assessment mechanism for the improvement of the residential environment in the administrative areas and villages. "Set up two teams": set up a professional supervision and coordination team at the township level, and set up a team of public welfare post cleaners at the village level. "Make good use of three funds": superior support funds, town level investment funds, and village level self raised funds.

    5、 Strengthen publicity and create atmosphere

    adopt In the form of loudspeakers and WeChat public accounts, we will do a good job in publicizing the results of the assessment and acceptance of the comprehensive improvement of the rural environment, interpreting policies, and promoting typical experiences. We will continue to strengthen the publicity of the improvement of the human settlements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the masses to participate in the environmental sanitation improvement, and strive to create a good atmosphere for all-round mobilization, whole process improvement, and public participation.

    Zhang Peng, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor of the town, made mobilization and deployment for the improvement of the town's human settlement environment. First, focus on key points and clear to the bottom. develop The special action of "Rural Environmental Sanitation Dead Corner Removal Month" thoroughly cleaned up the "four heaps", construction and domestic garbage, waste agricultural film, and unauthorized construction, supplemented the weak points of environmental sanitation, and promoted the upgrading of village appearance in the whole town. The second is to clarify responsibilities and make overall progress. Implement grid management for village cadres and cleaners, implement the system of party members' joint household and the responsibility system of "three guarantees in front of the door", and truly achieve one rectification, one cleaning and one beauty. The third is to carry out the "flower shop" action. In accordance with the principle of "trees are suitable for trees, flowers are suitable for flowers, and grass is suitable for grass", each village focuses on greening and beautifying the streets and alleys, front and back of houses, exposed land around the village and other areas, and promotes the implementation of human settlements improvement.

    Next, Dianzi Town will take this meeting as an opportunity to work hard and take responsibility. With a higher position, greater determination and more practical measures, Dianzi Town will go all out to carry out the key actions to improve the rural residential environment and accelerate the construction of beautiful and livable quality stores.

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