Zhejiang: Hangzhou Wenzhou High speed Railway Starts Hot Sliding Test of OCS

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 On May 14, the first hot slide test train left Hengdian Station of Hangzhou Wenzhou High speed Railway.
On May 14, the first hot slide test train left Hengdian Station of Hangzhou Wenzhou High speed Railway.

On May 14, the first hot slide test train left Zhejiang Pujiang Station and headed for Wenzhou, marking the official launch of the hot slide test of the overhead contact system of Hangzhou Wenzhou high-speed railway (Hangzhou Wenzhou high-speed railway), creating conditions for the next step of joint commissioning and test.

Hangzhou Wenzhou high-speed railway line is 260 kilometers long, with a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The whole line is set with 9 stations, namely Tonglu East, Pujiang, Yiwu, Hengdian, Pan'an, Xianju, Nanxi River, Wenzhou North Station, and Wenzhou South Station. After the line is completed and put into operation, Xianju, Pan'an, Dongyang, Pujiang and other places along the line will end the history of no high-speed railway, which is of great significance for improving the regional road network layout and promoting the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. Photographed by Huang Zongzhi, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

(Editor in charge: Chen Yue, Chang Xuemei)