A bowl of saozi noodles warms the city

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 On May 1, Cheng Yajuan (left) and her husband Zhong Wanhui prepared meals for guests in the kitchen.
On May 1, Cheng Yajuan (left) and her husband Zhong Wanhui prepared meals for guests in the kitchen.

Recently, a "love noodle shop" in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, has become popular throughout the city.

The shop near the labor market of Lu Xun Park in Shenyang is not large, but the notice at the door is very conspicuous. It says: "Free meal: if you have no income in Shenyang and encounter difficulties, you can come to the shop and tell our staff to have a 'single meal'. After eating, you can go straight away. You are welcome..."

Cheng Yajuan, 51, runs the noodle shop. She comes from the countryside of Qishan County, Shaanxi Province. In the local area, if it is time to catch up with the food, the villagers will warmly invite the peddlers and craftsmen from all walks of life to come in and leave after dinner. "When I was a child, I remember that there was only one bowl of rice at home. Grandma would rather starve herself than let guests eat." These philanthropic acts have taken root in Cheng Yajuan's heart.

Twenty two years ago, Cheng Yajuan came to Shenyang with her husband to open this noodle shop. There are a lot of migrant workers here, and they will meet all kinds of people who face difficulties or even can't eat. Cheng Yajuan, who came out of the countryside, felt the hardship and helplessness of this group. According to rough statistics, her store has provided more than 6000 bowls of free "love noodles" for people in 22 years.

Inspired by Cheng Yajuan's kindness, many customers even made a special trip to her noodle shop from other places to eat noodles, just to pay more money at the checkout to support her kindness. Cheng Yajuan said, "They gave me the money out of a trust. Everyone did a good thing together, and we must remember these kind people." Therefore, she kept a record of every amount of money donated by guests, so that every amount of money can play its due role.

Not long ago, Cheng Yajuan was listed on the "Good People in China" list in the first quarter of 2024. Cheng Yajuan said that only by helping more people, using better food materials and treating every customer sincerely, can we be worthy of this honor.

Having tasted the hardships of running around, I know how hard it is to fight. In the three meals and fireworks, Cheng Yajuan's noodle shop becomes a post station for love. A bowl of steaming saozi noodles became a warm "loving noodles", flowing from the tip of the tongue to the heart, warming the whole city. Cheng Yajuan said, "I will pass on this love as before, so that our city will become more and more beautiful because of love."

Photographed by Yao Jianfeng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

(Editor in charge: Shan Fang, Chang Xuemei)