Luochuan, Shaanxi: busy building roads on the Loess Plateau [4]

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 On April 17, workers were working in Luochuan Beam Fabrication Yard of China Railway 20th Bureau Group. Photographed by Zhang Bowen, reporter of Xinhua News Agency
On April 17, workers were working in Luochuan Beam Fabrication Yard of China Railway 20th Bureau Group. Photographed by Zhang Bowen, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Recently, the construction of Xi'an Yan'an high-speed railway, the first high-speed railway in the old revolutionary base area in northern Shaanxi, has been steadily advancing. The contractor seized the opportunity of construction in spring to speed up the project construction. In Luochuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, which is located in the Loess Plateau region, the bid section XYZQ-8 of the West Extension High speed Railway contracted by China Railway 20th Bureau Group has seven tunnels fully completed, 13 bridges are about to be completed, and subgrade, beam fabrication and other work are carried out in an orderly manner according to the construction plan.

With a total length of 299 kilometers and a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour, the west extension high-speed railway line is an important part of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network, including the Baotou (Yinhai) Passage. After the completion of the project, the running time from Xi'an to Yan'an will be shortened from the current 2.5 hours to about 1 hour. Photographed by Zhang Bowen, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

(Editor in charge: Chen Yue, Liu Juntao)