Zhangye, Gansu: College Students Learn to Control Desertification and Open Practical Courses in the Desert

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 Zhangye, Gansu: College Students Learn to Control Desertification and Open Practical Courses in the Desert
Zhangye, Gansu: College Students Learn to Control Desertification and Open Practical Courses in the Desert

On April 10, 2024, in the northern desert sand control area of Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, students of Hexi University, under the guidance of forest and grass staff, pressed sand barriers with wheat straw.

On the same day, students from Hexi University came to the desert prevention and control area in the north of Linze County. They lined up on the sand slope, passing wheat straw one by one. They pressed the wheat straw into the desert with sand shovels, and planted Haloxylon ammodendron seedlings in the compacted sand barrier. The students learned and recognized in practice that the northern sand area of Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province is located at the edge of Badain Jaran Desert, which is a sand belt extending from north to south. The sand area is about 35km long from north to south, 3km to 5km wide from east to west, and covers a total area of about 200000 mu. The dunes are mainly crescent shaped dunes and dune chains. The dunes are tall, dense, and highly mobile, It is one of the key sandstorms that threaten the ecological security of the northwest oasis.

In recent years, relying on the key ecological management projects such as the Three North Shelterbelt, the closed and forbidden protection zone of sandy land, the comprehensive management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, the construction of sand prevention and control demonstration areas, large-scale sand prevention and control, and land greening, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, has effectively curbed the wind and sand hazards in the sand area and ensured the ecological security of the northwest oasis generation after generation. Photographed by Wang Jiang (People's Photo Network)

(Editor in charge: Shan Fang, Chang Xuemei)