Exchange of work experience between Chinese and French peacekeeping forces

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 On February 26, 2024, the 22nd batch of Chinese troops going to Lebanon and Vietnam watched the display of mine clearing and explosive disposal equipment in the French battalion.
On February 26, 2024, the 22nd batch of Chinese troops going to Lebanon and Vietnam watched the display of mine clearing and explosive disposal equipment in the French battalion.

On February 26, 2024, my 22nd batch of troops to Lebanon were invited to exchange work experience with the French battalion, which is also peacekeeping in Lebanon. The French battalion officers and soldiers introduced to the Chinese battalion officers and soldiers the composition of the French engineering platoon for peacekeeping missions in Lebanon, minesweeping and explosive removal equipment and equipment performance. A simulated minesweeping display was carried out on the site, the explosive search and disposal dogs searched for targets, and the construction machinery vehicles were displayed to enhance the friendship between the Chinese battalion and the French battalion. Photographed by Huang Yuanli (People's Photo Network)

(Editor in charge: Shan Fang, Liu Juntao)