Red and green colored porcelain blooms

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 Li Yamin (left) communicates with the staff at the production base in Honglvcai Village, Shangdang District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province (photo taken on January 4).
Li Yamin (left) communicates with the staff at the production base in Honglvcai Village, Shangdang District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province (photo taken on January 4).

The red and green colored porcelain of Bayi Kiln in Shangdang District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province was born in the Song Dynasty. The production process of red and green colored porcelain is complex, and it needs to go through multiple processes, such as mud refining, casting, glazing, firing, and color painting. In 2021, "Bayi Kiln red and green colored porcelain firing technique" was listed as a representative project of national intangible cultural heritage.

Li Yamin is a native of the red and green colored village of Bayi Town, Shangdang District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, and a representative inheritor of the red and green colored porcelain firing techniques of Bayi Kiln. Under the influence of his father Li Jianping, who is also the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, Li Yamin joined the ranks of protecting and inheriting this ancient skill after graduating from university.

In recent years, Li Jianping, Li Yamin and his son led the team to look up ancient books and methods, test formulas, and visit old folk artists again and again... The production process of red and green colored porcelain has been inherited and developed. At present, they have developed more than 300 categories of red and green colored porcelain products, many of which are exported overseas.

"I am a Bayi people, and I have the responsibility and obligation to inherit and protect this national craft", said Li Yamin. Next, Li Yamin plans to continue the glory of Bayi Kiln by building a research base and expanding sales channels, so that the millennium kiln will become more and more prosperous and the ancient red and green colors will be rejuvenated. Photographed by Yang Chenguang, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

(Editor in charge: Chen Yue, Liu Juntao)