Work hard for the future -- Report from the grassroots site

The sunrise of the Yellow Sea is picturesque. On Kaishan Island, Wang Shihua, the wife of Comrade Wang Jicai, the honorary director of the militia outpost who has guarded the island for more than 30 years and a "model of the people", made early preparations, raised the national flag with the militia on duty on the island, and then sat in front of the television on time to watch the live broadcast of the opening meeting of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

On October 16, in Kaishan Island, Guanyun County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, Wang Shihua (the former), the militia on duty and members of the Jiangsu Electric Power Kaishan Island Party Service Team patrolled the island. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"The great achievements of the new era are made by the Party and the people together!" The sonorous words of General Secretary Xi Jinping spread throughout China from the Great Hall of the People.

Celebration and continuous struggle - in recent days, from the shore of the Yellow Sea to the snow covered plateau, from white mountains and black waters to the islands and reefs in the South China Sea, at the grass-roots level in all parts of the country, there are full of energetic spirit, full of work enthusiasm, and high spirited spirit. Ordinary posts record the image of the strivers.

   Make contributions to the post and practice the original intention with hard work

"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the Twentieth National Congress that the promotion of the spirit of labor, struggle, dedication, creativity, and thrift in the whole society has greatly encouraged me." Wang Shihua said, "To guard the island is to guard the home, and national security can make the home peaceful. I will stick here, follow the footsteps of successors, and keep the island."

When the early morning sun just swept the top of the welcome pine tree, Hu Xiaochun, a pine keeper in Huangshan, Anhui, had come to the tree to check whether the welcome pine was healthy.

On October 16, Hu Xiaochun, a pine keeper in Huangshan, Anhui, used a magnifying glass to check the bark and texture of the welcome pine. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Cai Ji'an)

"It is my daily job to check the bark of the trunk with a magnifying glass, and then climb up the scaffold to check the crown and crown width of the tree. Others may think it is boring, but I am proud of being able to participate in and witness the transformation of the motherland with bluer sky, greener mountains and clearer water." Hu Xiaochun said, "In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the General Secretary put forward the idea of 'respecting nature, conforming to nature, and protecting nature'. I want to put it into action and contribute to building a beautiful China."

Put family and country in mind and shoulder the responsibility. In ordinary posts, ordinary workers do every job well with responsibility and dedication, and write the most beautiful footnotes for the new era with the spirit of struggle and dedication.

The automatic bridge crane continuously grabs and releases containers, and the automatic guided vehicle shuttles between the yard and the bridge crane - the fully automated container terminal of Qingdao Port in Shandong Port is a busy scene. Li Bo, assistant general manager of the terminal, said: "The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that we should 'resolutely win the battle of tackling key core technologies', which has doubled our energy. At present, we are striving to tackle more key core technologies independently and controllably, and strive to build a world-class seaport' Chinese sample '."

The fully automated container terminal at Qingdao Port, Shandong Port, in operation (photographed on October 16). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

Ensuring food security is a major strategic and fundamental issue, and the Chinese people's jobs should be firmly in their own hands.

On the vast black land, the plump corn is golden. Ma Yunqiu, the head of an agricultural machinery farmers' professional cooperative in Balimiao Village, Lishu Town, Lishu County, Jilin Province, is leading members to rush to harvest corn in the field. "The national policy is good, and farmers are more and more enthusiastic about growing grain. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the Twentieth National Congress that 'comprehensively consolidate the foundation of food security, firmly hold the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land', so that we have more confidence and more confidence to fill China's bowl with more and better Chinese grain." Ma Yunqiu said.

On October 17, Ma Yunqiu, the head of an agricultural machinery farmers' professional cooperative in Balimiao Village, Lishu Town, Lishu County, Jilin Province, was sorting corn. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Cheng Yuran)

Thousands of miles away, by the Beibu Gulf in Guangxi. On the arrival departure line of Qinzhou Port Station, an important station of the new land sea channel in the west, Lin Jiangbo, the chief inspector of Fangchenggang Rolling Stock Operation Depot of Guangxi Coastal Railway Company, is taking a step by step approach to spot check the technical status of freight trains in the station and deal with train failures.

On October 16, at Qinzhou Port Station of China Railway Nanning Bureau Group Co., Ltd., the chief inspector Lin Jiangbo was on the way to take over the shift. Photographed by Zhang Ailin, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"In his report, the General Secretary told us to remember that empty talk is bad for the country and hard work is good for the country, which impressed me deeply." Lin Jiangbo said, "The inspection and repair of freight trains is related to the transportation safety of the new land and sea channel in the west, and every operation link should not be slackened. I will practice my business skills, check and repair carefully, and try my best to ensure the smoothness of the road network hub."

   Firmly believe and interpret responsibility with inheritance

Jiaxing, Zhejiang, beside the South Lake and the red boat. The blue waves and clear water gently patted the boat, and tourists stopped to take pictures in front of the misty rain tower under the blue sky and white clouds.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China that" we should carry forward the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists with the great spirit of party building as the source ". The red boat is a symbol of the spirit, and as an interpreter, I feel a great responsibility." Zhang Yi, a commentator at the South Lake Revolutionary Memorial Hall, said that we will update and sort out the commentaries, red boat "micro party lessons" and other contents, and publicize the red story.

On October 16, in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, Zhang Yi, the commentator of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, was interviewed. Photographed by Xu Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

In the warm autumn sun, in Xujiachong Village, Taipingxi Town, Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province, a on-site office meeting was held in the courtyard in front of Xie Lingling's house. More than 20 party members and the masses scrambled to make speeches and offer suggestions on issues such as comprehensive improvement of village appearance.

This is Xujiachong Village, Taipingxi Town, Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province, located on the north bank of the dam head of the Three Gorges Project (taken on October 16, UAV photo). Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Zhang Guorong)

"The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to 'comprehensively promote rural revitalization' and 'adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas', which made us feel excited. As grass-roots party members and cadres, we should be good leaders for the masses, do a good job as waiters, and lead the villagers to run on the road of rural revitalization." Xu Jiachong, the secretary of the village party branch, said excitedly, looking at the battle.

"Walk in the footsteps of the Iron Man", "The Iron Man team will move forward forever"... The slogan is particularly eye-catching at a well site in Daqing Oilfield, Heilongjiang Province. The 1205 drilling crew is operating a new type of drilling rig, which is thousands of meters deep underground.

On October 17, Ge Yifan, a young employee of the 1205 drilling crew of Daqing Oilfield in Heilongjiang Province, was working. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Duan Yongjian)

The 1205 drilling crew is the team led by Iron Man Wang Jinxi and the birthplace of Iron Man spirit. "The General Secretary stressed in the report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China that 'ensuring the safety of food, energy resources, and important industrial chain supply chain' has strengthened our confidence, continued to carry forward the iron man spirit, put oilfield production in mind, and made new contributions to securing the 'energy rice bowl'." Ge Yifan, a young employee of the 1205 drilling crew, said.

"Only unswerving and unswerving can we live up to the times and the people," said Zong Yao, a doctoral candidate in Chinese history at Yuelu Academy of Hunan University, "Having listened to the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the first time, we feel that we have a heavy responsibility to lay a solid foundation for our profession, build a solid foundation of faith, pass on excellent traditional culture with a high sense of responsibility and mission, and live up to our youth, youth and times."

This is a UAV photo of Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan Province, taken on October 16. Photographed by Xue Yuge, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

   Pioneering and enterprising, striving to create the future

Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, is the workshop of Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd., Baowu, China. The machines on the production line are roaring, and the rolls of steel that are as thin as cicadas' wings and as smooth as mirrors are made automatically through rolling, cleaning, packaging and other steps.

A corner of the production workshop of Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd., Baowu, China (photographed on October 16). Photographed by Zhan Yan, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

This special stainless steel precision foil can be easily torn by hand, commonly known as "hand tearing steel". The technology is difficult and has been monopolized by foreign countries for a long time. After more than two years of hard work, Shanxi Taigang finally overcame the problem, and the "hand tear steel" developed by it is at the international leading level.

"We were encouraged to hear that the General Secretary stressed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that" accelerating the implementation of innovation driven development strategy ". Our direction of efforts is in line with the needs of the national development strategy." Wang Tianxiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the company, said that we are increasing our research and development efforts to solve the production problems of more "choke" materials.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "Optimize the layout of major productive forces and build a regional economic layout and land space system with complementary advantages and high-quality development." This impressed Sun Xiaoxin, senior engineering manager of China Telecom Smart City Industrial Park.

"We have completed the construction of 153 kilometers of digital roads in Xiong'an New Area, and laid nearly 10000 smart light poles, which have multiple functions such as lighting, wireless coverage, traffic light monitoring, vehicle road coordination, etc. Xiong'an is striding towards a model city of 'fantastic' and 'aspiration'." Sun Xiaoxin said.

On October 16, the staff of China Telecom Smart City Industrial Park in Xiong'an New District, Hebei Province demonstrated the digital road operation system. Photographed by Zhu Xudong, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Zhou Deqiang, member of the Standing Committee of Yongning County Committee of Yinchuan City, Ningxia, and secretary of the Minning Town Party Committee, was deeply impressed by the statement in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "the largest poverty alleviation battle in human history was won". "Minning Town, a dusty 'dry beach' in the past, has been transformed into a 'golden beach' with green trees and thousands of acres of fertile land. We will take advantage of the situation, continue to struggle, and paint a more wonderful picture of Minning Town," Zhou Deqiang said.

The great achievements are inspiring and the grand blueprint is inspiring.

On October 16, in Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, people visited the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall. Photographed by Zhang Bowen, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"Only by reviewing the road we have traveled and not forgetting the way we came can we move forward." After listening to the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Mao Meifang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Curator of the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, said that we should work hard and bravely to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Source: Xinhua News Agency 09:29, October 20, 2022
(Editor in charge: Chen Yue, Liu Juntao)