President Xi Jinping was warmly welcomed when he arrived in San Francisco

On the afternoon of November 14 local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in San Francisco by special plane.

On the way from the airport to the hotel, many representatives of overseas Chinese and Chinese students were waiting in the streets along the way, waving the national flags of China and the United States, warmly welcoming President Xi Jinping's visit.

Great ordinary people
Traditional lion dance enters the classroom

"The accurate presentation of happiness, anger, sadness, movement, and suspense depends on the tacit cooperation of the lion's head and tail..." Recently, on the playground of Qiantong Town Central Primary School, Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, the instructor child climbing the mountain is guiding students to train their lion dance skills.

Reporters visited the flood control and disaster relief situation in Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei

On August 1, reporters from People's Daily Online went to Zhuozhou City, Baoding City to visit the flood control and disaster relief situation. At present, Wharf Town, Diaowo Town, Dongchengfang Town and the western part of the urban area in Zhuozhou City are seriously affected, and the water potential is still rising.

Affected by the upstream flood transit, the risk of flood discharge and urban waterlogging in Zhuozhou City has increased, and the flood control situation is very serious. Several rivers in the territory, such as Beijuma River, Xiaoqing River and Baigou River, have large flows, and Xiaoqing River flood diversion area and Langouwa flood storage and detention area have been started in succession.

Different holidays - I am a "little preacher"

In July, primary and secondary school students across the country began their summer vacation one after another. Students went out to travel, participate in cultural and sports activities, learn new skills, and spend a colorful holiday. Zha Xingyi, a junior, came to the puppet hall of Chengdu Museum during the holiday and became a "little lecturer", explaining puppet knowledge to tourists from all over the country.

"Diamond" Embraces Porcelain

Every day, when people pass by the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Craftsmanship Hall" of the Wanshou Palace in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, they can always hear a sound of "dangdangdangdang". Li Qiang, the fifth generation inheritor of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Yuzhang Carving Porcelain, is striking on a porcelain plate with a hammer and a diamond. Soon, the porcelain plate will become a work of art with concave and convex shapes - the charm of Yuzhang Carving Porcelain is vividly displayed.

The first collective appearance of the crew of Shenzhou 16 astronauts

At 11:00 on May 29, 2023 (Beijing time), a group meeting between the Shenzhou 16 crew and Chinese and foreign media reporters was held in the Wentian Pavilion of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The commander Jing Haipeng, the space flight engineer Zhu Yangzhu and the load expert Gui Haichao answered questions from reporters respectively.

The 6th China International Expo will fully resume the offline exhibition of "four leaf clover"

The number of World Top 500 and industry leading enterprises participating in the Expo has exceeded that of previous sessions, about 200 enterprises have signed contracts to participate in the Expo for six consecutive years, and more than 10000 units have registered as professional visitors for six consecutive sessions... The opening of the sixth China International Import Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Expo") is imminent, and the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) in the shape of "four leaf clover" is poised to bloom.

A first-line documentary on drug control

Yiwu Border Checkpoint of Xishuangbanna Border Management Detachment in Yunnan, adjacent to the "Golden Triangle", one of the world's drug sources, has become the forefront of China's border drug control struggle due to its special geographical location.

Strange Encounters
Reporters on the front line—— See the unforgettable "today"

Jishishan 6.2 Earthquake | Warm Moment in Resettlement Site

Since the Jishishan 6.2 earthquake, the focus of earthquake relief has shifted from search and rescue to the treatment of the wounded and resettlement of the masses. All sectors of the society are firmly confident and united in their efforts to fight the earthquake and disaster relief. With the orderly implementation of resettlement and security work, the tents in the resettlement sites have become the "safe haven" for the victims in the cold winter. Rescuers, medical staff, volunteers and the affected people should keep watch and help each other, encourage each other, and convey warmth to every corner of the resettlement site.