US warplanes and bombers flew to South Korea for the first time for airdrop exercises ( one / five )

Date: August 31, 2017

US warplanes and bombers flew to South Korea for the first time for airdrop exercises

On August 31, 2017 local time, according to Yonhap News Agency, the United States dispatched two B-1B "Lancers" long-range strategic bombers and four F-35B stealth fighters to the Korean Peninsula for the first time in the afternoon of August 31, 2017. The South Korean Air Force said on the same day that the South Korean and American air forces carried out joint air interdiction operations over the peninsula in the afternoon. The four F-15K fighter planes of the ROK Air Force also conducted joint flight exercises with the US military aircraft formation, conducted air to ground live fire drills at the Jiangwon Road Pisheng Shooting Range, and dropped MK-84, MK-82, and GBU-32 bombs by air to improve the precision strike capability.

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