PHP: Downloads

Downloads & Installation Instructions

Installing PHP is covered thoroughly in the PHP documentation.


Binaries are available for Microsoft Windows . The PHP project does not currently release binary packages for other platforms such as Linux or macOS, but they are packaged by distributions and other providers. For more information, see:

Source Code

Current Stable PHP 8.3.11 ( Changelog )

GPG Keys for PHP 8.3

Old Stable PHP 8.2.23 ( Changelog )

GPG Keys for PHP 8.2

Old Stable PHP 8.1.29 ( Changelog )

GPG Keys for PHP 8.1

GPG Keys

The releases are tagged and signed in the PHP Git Repository . The following official GnuPG keys of the current PHP Release Manager can be used to verify the tags:

PHP 8.3

 pub   rsa4096 2021-04-01 [SC] 1198 C011 7593 497A 5EC5   C199 286A F1F9 8974 69DC uid            [ultimate] Pierrick Charron < > sub   rsa4096 2021-04-01 [E] pub   rsa4096 2016-11-25 [SC] AFD8 691F DAED F03B DF6E  4605 63F1 5A9B 7153 76CA uid            [ultimate] Eric A Mann < > uid            [ultimate] Eric A Mann < > uid            [ultimate] Eric A Mann < > uid            [ultimate] Eric Mann < > sub   rsa4096 2016-11-25 [S] sub   rsa4096 2016-11-25 [E] sub   rsa4096 2016-11-25 [A] pub   ed25519 2021-04-10 [SC] C28D937575603EB4ABB725861C0779DC5C0A9DE4 uid            [ultimate] Jakub Zelenka < > uid            [ultimate] Jakub Zelenka < > uid            [ultimate] Jakub Zelenka < > sub   cv25519 2021-04-10 [E]

PHP 8.2

 pub   rsa4096 2021-04-01 [SC] 1198 C011 7593 497A 5EC5   C199 286A F1F9 8974 69DC uid            [ultimate] Pierrick Charron < > sub   rsa4096 2021-04-01 [E] pub   rsa4096 2021-04-26 [SC] [expires: 2025-11-24] 39B6 4134 3D8C 104B 2B14  6DC3 F9C3 9DC0 B969 8544 uid            [ultimate] Ben Ramsey < > sub   rsa4096 2021-04-26 [E] [expires: 2025-11-24] pub   rsa4096 2021-03-26 [SC] [expires: 2030-03-26] E609 13E4 DF20 9907 D8E3  0D96 659A 97C9 CF2A 795A uid            [ultimate] Sergey Panteleev < > uid            [ultimate] Sergey Panteleev < > uid            [ultimate] Sergey Panteleev < > sub   rsa4096 2021-03-26 [E] [expires: 2025-03-26]

PHP 8.1

 pub   2048R/31CBD89E 2016-12-08 Key fingerprint = 5289 95BF EDFB A719 1D46  839E F9BA 0ADA 31CB D89E uid                  Joe Watkins < > pub   rsa4096 2021-04-26 [SC] [expires: 2025-11-24] 39B6 4134 3D8C 104B 2B14  6DC3 F9C3 9DC0 B969 8544 uid            [ultimate] Ben Ramsey < > sub   rsa4096 2021-04-26 [E] [expires: 2025-11-24] pub   rsa4096 2021-04-01 [SC] F1F6 9223 8FBC 1666 E5A5  CCD4 199F 9DFE F6FF BAFD uid            [ultimate] Patrick Allaert < > sub   rsa4096 2021-04-01 [E]

A full list of GPG keys used for current and older releases is also available.

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