Zhonggong Entertainment

Check the circle of friends before entering the fake luxury stores

Source: CCTV News Weibo
2024-06-16 10:49

Original title: Check the circle of friends before entering the fake luxury stores

At 12 o'clock at noon, at Guangzhou Railway Station, before the reporter got off the taxi, someone came by the roadside, and the "specialty" sold was fake luxury goods. The reporter followed a lobbyist to enter the South International Watch City. According to him, high-quality fakes are upstairs. When the reporter came in, the vendor at the elevator immediately asked to check his identity and see the WeChat circle of friends. If he saw the government and media personnel, he would not let them in, even from Beijing and Shanghai. There are four or five female clerks in the shop covering less than 80 square meters, and the shelves are covered with various fake brand handbags. When customers ask for prices, the female clerks will carefully press the prices on the calculator... Many vendors publicize that the fake goods in their hands belong to the quality of purchasing agents, and they will also purchase from them.

Editor in charge: Liu Yang

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