Zhonggong Entertainment

Write the prose poems accompanying my father with calloused hands

Source: Xinhua News Agency Weibo
2024-06-16 09:27

Original title: Write prose poems accompanying my father with calloused hands

Chen Gengsheng, 36, is from Xiaogang Town, Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province. On June 12 this year, Chen Gengsheng came to Yulin, Guangxi, from his hometown in Jiangxi Province, with his 86 year old stroke father, on the 2749th day. Twenty years ago, Chen Gengsheng's mother died. Eight years ago, his father Chen Germen, who was nearly 80 years old, had a stroke. In order to take care of his father while doing a good job, Chen Gengsheng almost used up all his savings, bought a car, took his father to Guangxi, thousands of miles away, and started a new life.

Editor in charge: Liu Yang

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