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 One Day and One Page Season 2 《一天零一页》第二季
One Day and One Page Season 2
One Day and One Page Season 2
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Gather special photography content and photography information, such as street born, looking for the light of the city, love photography weekly selection, love photography exhibition, etc.


Homepage of favorite content

Gather special photography content and photography information, such as street born, looking for the light of the city, love photography weekly selection, love photography exhibition, etc.


Born on the street

From the perspective of street photographers from all over the world, we can discover the extraordinary life around us, and draw a true outline for our times through fresh street images.


Born on the street

From the perspective of street photographers from all over the world, we can discover the extraordinary life around us, and draw a true outline for our times through fresh street images.


Figure Number Room

Data visualization column, use data to understand the world.


Figure Number Room

Data visualization column, use data to understand the world.


Event cooperation

Born on the street

Street sweeping and street shooting works. 10-20 pieces of exquisite gifts and certificates worth nearly 100 yuan will be awarded and qualified to participate in the quarterly selection. The champion is 1000 yuan, the runner up is 300 yuan, the runner up is 200 yuan, and the certificate and the opportunity to compete for the annual grand prize.

New Youth Column Collection

Ordinary world, extraordinary life! Sina picture "New Youth" uses video to record young people who pursue individual life, and tells the life, work and emotional stories of contemporary young people. Selected works will be published by signature on Sina. com and will be rewarded with contribution fee and certificate.

Hello World Tourism Photography Competition

Sponsored by Sina Pictures and co sponsored by Sina Tourism, Weibo Photography and Yachang Image. The event will be held for a long time, and 3 famous photographers will be invited to conduct monthly selection every month. 3 "Monthly Best Awards"/group, a 1000 yuan bonus and a 200 yuan general coupon were passed to Yachang.

Discover the most beautiful winter

Jointly sponsored by Sina Aipai and China National Park Network, it solicits winter themed photography works. 30 selected works will be awarded with Sina Love Auction Certificate, and the top 10 works will be awarded with 100 yuan Sina Love Auction gift. The selected works will be exhibited in Beijing Jingshan Park.

Thematic planning

Look for the light of the city

As a spokesman for your city, the monthly best works award is worth 999 yuan for Tianli Optical MRC C-PL 77mm polarizer, and the excellent and potential works award is worth 219 yuan for Tianli Optical DMC UV 77mm filter, with more awards at the end of the year.

Zen Photography Season

The competition is a quarterly competition, which collects works representing the beauty of purity, ethereality, freedom, harmony, simplicity, etc. from domestic and foreign photographers. The competition sets up one quarterly gold prize, two silver prizes, and three bronze prizes, with the prizes of 6000 yuan, 2000 yuan, and 1000 yuan respectively.

"Hello, the world!"

The competition will be held for a long time after collecting the scenery taken on the journey. There are three "Monthly Best Awards" every month, with a bonus of 1000 yuan each. There are 10 "Monthly Excellence Awards" every month, and both the Excellence Award and the Best Award are awarded to Yachang with a 200 yuan universal coupon.

Dating Museum

Collect photographic works focusing on museum exhibits, museum buildings, museum related personages, museum activities and other related topics. Three best works will be selected in bimonthly, with a prize of 2000 yuan each, and five excellent works. All selected works will be awarded certificates.