
52 ° 46 'N: a string of bloody fingerprints

Source: China Military Network Author: Jia Yong Released: 2016-02-19 11:25:30

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Famous military journalist Jia Yong's new work

——52 ° 46 'N: a string of bloody fingerprints

At the end of the Great Khingan Mountains primeval forest, there was heavy snow, and the Erguna River, the boundary river between China and Russia, was icebound for thousands of miles. On the south bank of the Jiehe River, on a 26 meter high cliff, the camouflage outpost stands towering.

In the snowstorm, the officers and soldiers patrolling along the boundary river line up and shout at the towering cliffs——

Company commander... Company commander... Company commander

Company commander... Company commander... Company commander

The long wind roared, the horses roared... The call echoed on the vast ice.

This is the place where martyr Du Hong, commander of the Yimu River Defense Company stationed in Inner Mongolia, died at 52 ° 46 'north latitude. On the cliff close to the boundary river, a string of bloody fingerprints have been erased by heavy snow; Pulling aside the thick snow on the river, a pool of blood is still clearly visible.

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Editor in charge: Yue Xu

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