Comprehensive news: politicians and UN officials from many countries expect China to hold a Winter Olympics

09:10, January 30, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency Editor in charge: Chen Ruichi

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 29 (Xinhua News Agency, China) - On the occasion of the upcoming opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, many politicians and United Nations officials expressed their wish for the success of the Beijing Winter Olympics and look forward to China's hosting of a great Winter Olympics.

President Tuvadra of the Central African Republic issued a statement saying that he wished the Beijing Winter Olympics a success. He said that the Olympic Games are a sports event for all mankind and should avoid being politicized. Only by adhering to the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger - more united" can the world be united.

President Lukashenko of Belarus expressed his opposition to the politicization of sports by the West in his State of the Union address. He said that the whole country of Belarus would cheer for its athletes.

Tunisian Minister of Youth and Sports Kamel Digish wished the Beijing Winter Olympics a success. He said that the Beijing Winter Olympics will fully demonstrate China's ability to host world-class events to the world. He believed that the Winter Olympics will be as successful as the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Paul Tegat, President of the National Olympic Committee of Kenya, sent a congratulatory letter to the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, expressing his confidence in the success of the Beijing Winter Olympics. He hoped that the Beijing Winter Olympics would be taken as an opportunity to promote the further development of Kenya China sports exchanges and cooperation. He hoped that both sides would work together to carry forward the Olympic spirit and make efforts to promote unity and cooperation among countries.

Albino Bor Dexiu, Minister of Youth and Sports of South Sudan, said that the Beijing Winter Olympics is not only of great significance to the Chinese people, but also proud of it as a brotherly people of South Sudan. China's booming sports cause is an important foundation for winning the right to host the Winter Olympics and successfully hosting this grand sports event. I believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a complete success, and I look forward to China hosting a great and successful Winter Olympics.

At the video reception held by the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations to celebrate the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger and the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, senior officials of the United Nations and permanent representatives of many countries to the United Nations wished the Beijing Winter Olympics a complete success. Sima Sami Bahus, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women's Programme, said in Chinese that she expected women athletes to achieve good results at the Beijing Winter Olympics; The Permanent Representatives of Norway, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, France and Russia to the United Nations congratulated Beijing on becoming the world's first "double Olympic city", praised the Beijing Winter Olympics for carrying forward the Olympic spirit, which will enhance understanding and friendship among countries and bring confidence and strength to all countries. (Participating journalists: Lu Jinbo, Huang Ling, Luo Yu, Bai Lin, Li Hualing, Wang Jiangang)