
    [Slow hands] Mechanic Creator Pocket PC is only available for 2749 yuan, equipped with a Ruilong R9-7940 processor

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhishang Shalin

    The mechanic creator Mini pocket host is equipped with a Ruilong R9-7940 processor, which is compact and easy to carry. Dual network port design, office and entertainment. Now you can enjoy the preferential activity of reducing 1200 yuan from 3999 yuan, and the paid in price is only 2749 yuan, which is extremely valuable and affordable.

    Machinist creator Mini pocket mainframe, with ultra-high computing power and excellent scalability, can handle both office and entertainment with ease. It is small and portable, can be carried around, and can handle various tasks at any time and anywhere. At the same time, it is also equipped with a dual network port design, which can connect the network and equipment at the same time to achieve high-definition Video playback And large file transfer.

    This pocket host uses the latest Reelung R9-7940 processor, has a 64 bit x86 architecture, and supports 4 cores and 8 threads. In addition, it also has built-in high-definition display chip and powerful graphics processing unit (GPU), which can easily run large-scale games and image processing Software

    If you are looking for a computer device with excellent performance, strong portability and small size, this mechanic creator Mini pocket host is definitely your best choice. Now you can also enjoy the preferential activity of reducing 1200 yuan from 3999 yuan, and the paid in price is only 2749 yuan. Hurry up and buy!

     [Slow hands] Mechanic Creator Pocket PC is only available for 2749 yuan, equipped with a Ruilong R9-7940 processor

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] Mechanic Creator Pocket PC is only available for 2749 yuan, equipped with a Ruilong R9-7940 processor true report one thousand one hundred and sixty-one The mechanic creator Mini pocket host is equipped with a Ruilong R9-7940 processor, which is compact and easy to carry. Dual network port design, office and entertainment. Now you can enjoy the preferential activity of reducing 1200 yuan from 3999 yuan, and the paid in price is only 2749 yuan, which is extremely valuable and affordable. Machinist creator Mini pocket mainframe, with ultra-high computing power and excellent scalability, can be used for both office and entertainment
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