
    Chengming 3911 i5-12500 desktop computer dual hard disk Jinan spot promotion

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: zoljn

    (Zhongguancun Online Jinan Market) Recently, Dell Chengming 3911 i5-12500 8G 1T+512 23.8 was an online dealer in Zhongguancun“ Jinan August Qianmao Dell franchise store ”Available for sale, preferential promotion, contact number: 13255692779 / 15966348804 [Business address] Room E-408, Huaqiang Plaza, Jinan, Shandong

    Chengming 3911 series computers, equipped with the new Intel i5-12500 processor, provide excellent performance guarantee for your office and entertainment needs. With its highly efficient multithreading processing power and ultra-low power consumption, this processor enables your computer to achieve a perfect balance between fast response and energy saving.

     one million five hundred and forty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight

    Equipped with 8GB high-speed memory, Chengming 3911 can easily handle complex applications or large data files, ensuring your smooth operation. At the same time, the huge storage space of 1TB mechanical hard disk+512GB solid state disk not only allows you to store a large amount of data at will, but also allows you to enjoy the extremely fast reading and writing experience brought by solid state disk.

    In terms of appearance design, Cheng Ming 3911 is also elegant. The 23.8-inch high-definition display screen equipped with it is exquisite in image quality and rich in color, bringing you immersive visual enjoyment. Whether watching movies, browsing web pages or image processing, you can get a clear and realistic visual experience.

     one million five hundred and forty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight

    In a word, Chengming 3911 has become a computer product worthy of your possession with its excellent performance, huge storage space and exquisite appearance design. Whether it is business office or daily entertainment, it can become your effective assistant, making your life more convenient and efficient. Take action now, and let Chengming 3911 accompany you to open a new chapter of intelligent life!

    Dell Chengming 3911 i5-12500 8G 1T+512 23.8
    [Contact information] 13255692779/15966348804
    [Store name] Jinan August Qianmao Dell franchise store
    [Store link]
    [Business address] Room E-408, Huaqiang Plaza, Jinan, Shandong
    [Quotation Query] Desktop product quotation Dell product quotation

    The above quotation is the actual purchase price. Please check the machine carefully to ensure the quality when purchasing to ensure the consumer rights and interests. If you find that the quotation given by the dealer in this article is inconsistent with the text, please call the complaint hotline 0531-88019003 (this telephone is for complaint only, and we will not accept product consultation or price consultation and other services), and we will investigate according to the complaint.
    Due to the rapid changes in product prices, unless otherwise specified, this quotation article is valid for 7 days.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Chengming 3911 i5-12500 desktop computer dual hard disk Jinan spot promotion true report one thousand five hundred and seventy-six (Zhongguancun Online Jinan Market) Recently, Dell Chengming 3911 i5-12500 8G 1T+512 23.8 was sold in the "Jinan August Qianmao Dell Store", an online dealer in Zhongguancun, with preferential promotions. Contact number: 13255692779/15966348804. [Business address] Chengming 3911 series computer in Room E-408, Huaqiang Plaza, Jinan, Shandong, equipped with the new Intel i5-12500
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