
    Ningsi v6.0.80 system HP desktop computer customized in Jinan Zhichang

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: zoljn

    (Zhongguancun Online Jinan Market) Recently, we thought about v6.0.80 HP Desktop Online dealer in Zhongguancun“ Jinan Zhichang Information Technology Co., Ltd ”Available for sale, preferential promotion, contact number: 13396409777 / 0531-82397899 / 82397966 [Business address] HP store on the first floor of Building C, Huaqiang Plaza, Shanda Road, Jinan.

     one million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand one hundred and fifty-seven

    Thing v6.0.80 system HP desktop

    Many customers, based on the needs of the project, proposed whether the 12th generation machine can match Ubantu 16.04 and Thing v6.0.80

    The engineers of Jinan Zhichang Information Technology Co., Ltd. took out a model of HP commercial desktop for testing. HP 480G9 I7-12700/32G/1T SSD+1T/180W/dual network ports/W11, Ubantu 16.04, and Ningsi v6.0.80 specifically applied from Ningsi manufacturers can be matched and compatible.

    In addition, some models of other brands, such as Dell 7000MT, Inspur NP3020M7, NF5280M6, were matched and tested. All passed the test

    Welcome the friends who need to call to raise their demands, and make a machine that is most suitable for you.

    HP 480G9 I7-12700/32G/1T SSD+1T/180W/dual network interface/W11 Ubantu 16.04 Ningsi v6.0.80 system
    [Contact] 13396409777/0531-82397899/82397966
    [Store name] Jinan Zhichang Information Technology Co., Ltd
    [Store link]
    [Business address] HP store on the first floor of Building C, Huaqiang Plaza, Shanda Road, Jinan
    [Quotation Query] Desktop product quotation HP Product Quotes

    The above quotation is the actual purchase price. Please check the machine carefully to ensure the quality when purchasing to ensure the consumer rights and interests. If you find that the quotation given by the dealer in this article is inconsistent with the text, please call the complaint hotline 0531-88019003 (this telephone is for complaint only, and we will not accept product consultation or price consultation and other services), and we will investigate according to the complaint.
    Due to the rapid changes in product prices, unless otherwise specified, this quotation article is valid for 7 days.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Ningsi v6.0.80 system HP desktop computer customized in Jinan Zhichang true report one thousand three hundred and ten (Zhongguancun Online Jinan Market) Recently, the HP desktop computer of the Thing v6.0.80 system was sold in the online dealer "Jinan Zhichang Information Technology Co., Ltd." in Zhongguancun. The contact number is 13396409777/0531-82397899/82397966. [Business address] HP store on the first floor of Building C, Huaqiang Plaza, Shanda Road, Jinan. Thing v6.0.80 system HP desktop is very
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