
    Create K12 immersive classroom Dell Chengming VR education industry solution experience

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Geng Lixin   |   Editor in charge: Li Xin

    If you have a certain understanding of the PC industry, it should not be strange to mention Dell Chengming series products, as a commercial Desktop The excellent brand in the field has always been adhering to the excellent design, workmanship and outstanding performance, making Chengming series products maintain a good reputation among enterprise users.

    Recently, Dell held a "Dell Chengming VR Education Media Experience Conference", which introduced some innovative applications of Dell Chengming products based on VR education industry in detail, and won unanimous recognition from the industry/outsiders. So, what are the concerns of Chengming 3980MT? What is the overall performance of its solution? Next, let's take a look through this review.

     Let the obscure knowledge come alive! Dell Chengming VR Education Industry Solution Experience

    Dell Chengming VR education industry solution gives you a surreal experience

    With the rapid development of science and technology, the forms of education have become more abundant. From word of mouth to today's video, VR and other innovative forms, students become more intuitive and understand more deeply when learning.

    We take VR as an example. As we all know, the realization of virtual reality education depends very much on hardware devices. It needs to render two different high-resolution images for human eyes, so it has high requirements for computer configuration. With the application of Dell Chengming products, this problem has been well solved. Through the integration of VR technology and education through PC, various forms of VR education industry solutions such as VR training, VR cloud classroom, K12 VR classroom, and VR universal desk have been realized, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of intelligent education.

     Educate VR! Cheng Ming 3980MT "Dai" You Cheng Ming
    Dell Chengming VR education industry solution gives you a surreal experience

     Create K12 immersive classroom Dell Chengming VR education industry solution experience

    In practical experience, thanks to The 8th generation intelligent Intel ® CoRE processor With strong core capabilities and GTX1060 VR ready graphics card, Dell Chengming commercial desktop computer has brought a fast and smooth 360 degree immersive learning experience for VR education solutions. At the same time, it inherits the genes of security, reliability and easy management of Dell's commercial client products, which can ensure that VR solutions can run for a long time and stably.

     Dell Chengming VR Education Industry Solution Dell Chengming 3980MT Commercial desktops are equipped with the 8th generation intelligent Intel ® CoRE I7 processor

    On the spot of the experience meeting, the author actually experienced the course "Brief History of Aviation and Flight Principles". The whole VR simulation flight effect is very realistic. In addition to the detailed and real simulation of extravehicular scenes, flight physics and other elements, the full dynamic interior environment including instruments, control equipment and other elements is restored, allowing people to experience the joy of driving and control, The overall operation is very stable, and there is no down frequency jamming.

     Educate VR! Cheng Ming 3980MT "Dai" You Cheng Ming  Students are experiencing VR courses

    With the support of Cheng Ming 3980MT, the "Racing Plan ProjectCars" also presents a subversive driving simulation environment, such as real track, dynamic weather, etc., creating a good sense of immersion.

     Educate VR! Cheng Ming 3980MT "Dai" You Cheng Ming

     Dell Chengming VR Education Industry Solution Students are experiencing VR driving control courses

    With the powerful performance support of Cheng Ming's 3980MT, the Cosmic Titan Journey shows a sci-fi and mysterious high-definition picture. Experients can clearly see the movement tracks and laws of stars in the solar system, allowing students to learn more intuitive and vivid astronomical knowledge in the experience.

     Educate VR! Cheng Ming 3980MT "Dai" You Cheng Ming
    VR static picture in the course

    According to the on-site information, the whole equipment can work steadily for up to 10 hours without interruption, with strong performance and very stable performance. Chengming products have air duct design at the front and rear of the chassis and at the corresponding positions of the side panel. The external air enters the fuselage from the ventilation holes all over the side and back, and the heat is sent out from the openings opposite the side panel by the CPU fan and the deflector above it. The front and rear and side ventilation are multi-directional, ensuring higher heat dissipation efficiency, more scientific, and laying a good foundation for long-term and high load work.

     Create K12 immersive classroom Dell Chengming VR education industry solution experience
    Reasonable air duct design further ensures the heat dissipation of the whole machine

    On the other hand, many functions of Dell Chengming are familiar with the actual needs of users in the Chinese industry. We can see that almost all the interfaces required for daily office work can be found on Cheng Ming's machine, including conventional USB, VGA, HDMI interfaces, traditional interface types such as P/S2, serial ports, and dual PCI slots. It also provides diversified additional options on the architecture of core components. Chengming series has passed 50 performance tests and can provide customers with up to five years of warranty, which is the longest among commercial desktops, and will certainly increase confidence for Chinese enterprises to choose Chengming products.

     Educate VR! Cheng Ming 3980MT "Dai" You Cheng Ming
    The super scalability and compatibility of Dell Chengming 3980MT bring infinite possibilities for expanding more rich application scenarios

    In recent years, Dell, together with many partners, has launched a series of VR education industry solutions focusing on promoting the digital transformation of China's education industry, aiming to enable every student to enjoy learning in a more efficient and practical environment. At the experience meeting, the product manager also brought us the cooperation cases between Dell and VR education enterprises and Siyi. The basic education VR laboratory jointly built by the two can use virtual reality technology to simulate real experimental scenes, allowing students to complete a series of actions such as observing experimental objects, simulating experimental operations, and analyzing experimental results in a virtual environment, so as to obtain real and effective experimental knowledge. This solution can provide immersive teaching scenes, standardized experimental content, better human interaction ability, integrated teaching management, etc. As a whole VR education solution, VR Lab Software Some subjects and courses were completed by He Siyi, and Dell Chengming series hosts were selected as hardware equipment. It is understood that this solution has been successfully implemented in China.

     Create K12 immersive classroom Dell Chengming VR education industry solution experience

    Write at the end:

    Dell Chengming 3980MT's super scalability and compatibility have set a good benchmark for the hardware equipment of virtual reality education courses. While bringing a shocking virtual reality experience, it can more effectively help children learn knowledge, bring more possibilities for expanding application scenarios, and effectively help children understand VR, understand VR and like VR.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Create K12 immersive classroom Dell Chengming VR education industry solution experience // true // report three thousand six hundred and forty-six If you have a certain understanding of the PC industry, it should be no stranger to mention Dell Chengming series products. As a very excellent brand in the field of commercial desktop computers, Chengming series products have always been adhering to excellent design, workmanship and outstanding performance, making them maintain a good reputation among enterprise users. Recently Dell held a media experience for "Dell Chengming VR education industry
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