Theory: Strive to write a youth chapter of Chinese style modernization

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Young people should inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, unswervingly listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, strive to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take on responsibilities, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle, show their youth's performance, highlight their youth's style, and contribute to their youth's strength in promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and strive to write a youth chapter that is worthy of responsibility for Chinese modernization." At present, Our Party is uniting and leading the people to comprehensively promote the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. Contemporary Chinese youth meet a rare opportunity to realize their ambitions and display their talents at the right time, and shoulder the important task of the times to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation. The majority of young people should earnestly enhance their sense of historical responsibility and mission, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think, dare to act and do well, strive to be the vanguard and fresh force in all aspects of work in all fields, and strive to write a youth chapter that will stand up to the responsibility of Chinese modernization.

Youth is an important force to promote Chinese style modernization

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "young people are the most dynamic, aggressive and conservative group in society, and they contain endless power to transform the objective world and promote social progress." In the process of exploring and promoting Chinese style modernization, the vast majority of young people have always listened to the Party's words, followed the Party, and spread their youth in the history of historical progress, It shows the unique spirit of Chinese youth. The power of youth has always been a powerful force to promote the Chinese nation to march forward courageously and stand among the nations of the world.

Not afraid of sacrifice and bloody struggle. During the new democratic revolution, the Party united and led the people to overthrow the "three mountains", establish a new China, achieve national independence and people's liberation, and create fundamental social conditions for modernization. During this period, the majority of young people listened to the call of the Party, actively participated in the anti imperialist and anti feudal labor movement, the peasant movement, and the student movement, actively participated in the revolutionary armed forces led by the Party, always rushed ahead of the revolutionary team, and rushed to the front in the great struggle to overthrow the warlords, fight against Japan, save the nation, and overthrow the Kuomintang's reactionary rule, showing that they were not afraid of sacrifice The spirit of bloody struggle contributed youth strength to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

Dare to struggle and work hard. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Party united and led the people to carry out the socialist revolution, established the basic socialist system, established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system, and laid the fundamental political premise, valuable experience, theoretical preparation, and material foundation for modernization. During this period, the majority of young people actively responded to the call of the Party and the country, dedicated their youth to the motherland, formed youth commandos, youth reclamation teams, youth literacy teams, marched into science, difficulties, and wilderness, demonstrated the spirit of courage and hard work, and contributed youth strength to the construction of the motherland.

Dare to do and lead the fashion. In the new era of reform, opening up and socialist modernization, our Party has united and led the people to unswervingly advance reform and opening up, and achieved a historic breakthrough from the situation of relatively backward productivity to the world's second largest economic aggregate, providing a new dynamic system guarantee and material conditions for rapid development of Chinese style modernization. During this period, the vast majority of young people bravely made pioneering efforts in reform, set a new trend, promoted innovation and creation on all fronts of modernization, and actively participated in such creative activities as striving to be the new Long March pacesetter, "five stresses, four beauties and three passions", the Project of Hope, young volunteers, the Youth Civilization Horn, and protecting the Mother River, demonstrating the spirit of daring, doing, and leading the fashion, It has contributed youth strength to reform, opening up and socialist modernization.

Self confident, strong and promising. As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the Party has continued to advance on the basis of what it has already achieved, and has constantly made theoretical and practical innovations and breakthroughs, successfully promoting and expanding Chinese modernization. The historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the state have provided a more perfect institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation and a more proactive spiritual force for Chinese style modernization. During this period, the majority of young people, with the mind of "the biggest man in the country", consciously took on the important task, actively engaged in implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development, developing new quality productivity, winning the battle against poverty, fighting against the new coronal epidemic and other major tasks, in scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, green development, social services Defending the country and guarding the border, and other fields, all parties are brave to be the pacesetter and new force. With down-to-earth actions, they continue to struggle, show self-confidence, self-improvement, vigorous and promising spirit, and become the vanguard force to promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Be responsible for comprehensively promoting Chinese modernization

Chinese style modernization opens up a new road for mankind to move towards modernization, which is an unprecedented pioneering cause. The glorious mission and arduous task require generations of Chinese youth to struggle. Young people should continue to use their youth to create a young China and a young nation, display their talents on a broad stage, experience and grow in their mission, and inject strong impetus into Chinese modernization.

Carry forward the glorious tradition of permanent struggle. The overall modernization of China's 1.4 billion people will greatly change the world map of modernization. A super large population can provide sufficient human resources and a super large market, but it also brings a series of problems and challenges. We have won the battle against poverty and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, but we still face many severe challenges to achieve common prosperity for all people. The majority of young people should carry forward the glorious tradition of permanent struggle, base themselves on their own posts, and work hard to promote social development, so that youth can excel in the struggle of ordinary posts. Take the grassroots level as the best classroom, and go to the grassroots level to develop talent and strength, solve problems for the people, and wholeheartedly serve them, and transform their pursuit of the Chinese dream into practical actions to do a good job in everything around them. Sharpen the spirit of taking responsibility to meet difficulties and come forward, take the lead in urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks, bravely respond to major challenges, resist major risks, overcome major obstacles, solve major contradictions, and create achievements in overcoming difficulties.

Take the lead in innovation and creation. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that "innovation is the first driving force". Promoting Chinese style modernization is an exploratory undertaking, and there are still many unknown fields. We need to explore boldly in practice, and promote the development of the cause through reform and innovation. Young people are the most dynamic and creative group in society, so they should be in the forefront of innovation and creation, and let youth shine in innovation and creation. The majority of young people should be bold in innovation and pioneering, focus on the national development strategy and people's needs for a better life, focus on the forefront of science and technology, industry, management, etc., and strive to tackle key problems and display their talents in scientific and technological innovation, major projects, and key projects. Participate in the innovation and entrepreneurship boom, use wisdom and talent to create their own business and serve economic and social development. We should cherish Shaohua, work hard to learn scientific knowledge, improve our own quality, and hone our ability to keep up with the development of the times, so that we can serve the people with real talent and contribute to the country through innovation.

Create new trends in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Chinese style modernization is a kind of modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated. It is necessary not only to constantly deepen the material foundation of modernization, but also to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural country, build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and enhance the spiritual strength of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "youth is the social force that leads the way. A nation's civilization quality is largely reflected in the moral standards and spiritual outlook of the young generation." Young people should be firm in cultural self-confidence, adhere to the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation, show self-reliance and self-improvement, and enhance the ambition, backbone, and bottom line of being Chinese. Carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, add youth to the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and inject era connotation. We should closely combine correct moral cognition, conscious moral cultivation and active moral practice, and consciously establish and practice socialist core values. Consciously promote patriotism, collectivism and socialism, actively participate in voluntary services, take the initiative to assume social responsibility, do more good deeds to help the poor, the weak and the disabled, take the lead in advocating a positive social atmosphere, and shape a new style of social civilization.

Demonstrate the youth responsibility of building a community with a shared future for mankind. Chinese modernization is committed to seeking self-development while firmly safeguarding world peace and development, and better safeguarding world peace and development with self-development to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Chinese youth in the new era should have both family and country feelings and human care, adhere to the concept of one family, beauty and common, and show their youth responsibility in promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Young people should establish a global vision, have a scientific and clear understanding of the development trend of the world, understand the world, integrate into the world, embrace the world with an open and inclusive attitude, and actively learn from all the outstanding achievements of human civilization. Actively participate in international people to people and cultural exchanges, spread China's voice and tell Chinese stories in international conferences, international organizations and other mechanisms and platforms, actively contribute wisdom, put forward ideas, and serve as a bridge for civilized exchanges and mutual learning, so as to promote people from all over the world to know each other.

Promote the growth and achievement of youth with solid youth work

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the youth work of the Party has made great achievements and undergone profound changes. In the new era and new journey, we should firmly hold the theme of youth work in the new era, unite, organize and mobilize the youth as widely as possible, and use solid youth work to promote the growth and success of youth.

We will strengthen political leadership. Adhere to the principle of the Party governing youth work, take youth work as a strategic work of the Party, and ensure the correct political direction of youth work. To strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs of young people, we should focus on politics, start with ideology, and start from the characteristics of young people. We should help young people to aspire early and achieve great goals. We should plant deep trust in the Party, confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and belief in Marxism, and build the spiritual foundation of young people with firm ideals and beliefs. We should guide young people to conscientiously study and understand Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strive to master the world outlook and methodology of this important thought, be good at analyzing problems using the positions, viewpoints and methods that run through it, and deeply understand and adhere to the basic theory, basic road line and basic strategy of the Party.

Strive to promote youth to make contributions. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "taking the central task of the Party as the theme and direction of China's youth movement and youth work is a basic experience of China's youth movement and youth work for more than 100 years, Integrate one's own life ideal into the cause of the country and nation, and lay the cornerstone of youth struggle. We should organize and mobilize young people to stand on their own posts, actively participate in the construction of Chinese style modernization, and create tangible achievements in scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, green development, social services, defending the country and guarding the border and other fields.

Focus on providing contact services. We should guide all sectors of society to care about and serve young people, actively do a good job in youth work, and create a good environment for young people to grow and become talents, innovate and start businesses. We will improve the implementation mechanism of the medium - and long-term youth development plan, promote the construction of a youth development oriented city, help young people solve their worries and troubles in graduation and job hunting, innovation and entrepreneurship, social integration, marriage and dating, elderly support, children's education, and better inform the Party of the youth's temperature in the process of improving the precision and professionalism of youth service, And fully transmit the warmth of the Party to the youth.

We will vigorously promote the reform and construction of the Communist Youth League. Adhere to the leadership of the Party, consciously implement the comprehensive leadership of the Party in all areas of the whole process of the work of the Communist Youth League, and constantly maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass character of the League organization. Adhere to the problem orientation, promote the linkage between the grass-roots organs and the coordination between the youth league and the youth league, explore new ideas and models for the construction of the grass-roots organizations of the Youth League, continue to expand the effective coverage of work, and constantly consolidate and expand the youth mass base of the Party's governance. Actively adapt to the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, carry forward the self revolutionary spirit, strictly strengthen the organizational construction of the League, strictly strengthen the construction of the League cadres team, strictly strengthen the construction of the League members team, improve the rules and systems within the League, and persevere in promoting comprehensively and strictly governing the League. Strengthen the investigation and research on youth work theory, youth policy, youth groups, youth phenomenon, youth psychology and other issues, grasp the law of youth work of the Party, and enhance the initiative, foresight and scientificity of work.

(Central Youth League School (China Youth Political College) Party Committee Theory Learning Center Group)

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