Version 07: One Week Online

People's Daily Overseas Edition Friday, June 11, 2021

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Tell Chinese stories and spread Chinese voice

——Netizens talk about strengthening China's international communication capacity

Our reporter Liu Shaohua People's Daily Overseas Edition 》( June 11, 2021   Section 07 Version)

On May 10, foreign friends visited the "Four Treasures of Study" at the exhibition hall of Chongchuan Painting Academy in Nantong, Jiangsu Province.
Photographed by Xu Congjun (people's picture)

Cloisonne handicrafts on display at the first China International Consumer Goods Expo.
Photographed by Zhang Liyun, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On May 26, the 14th "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Middle School Students was held in St. Petersburg. The picture shows Alice, a young contestant in the "Chinese Bridge" competition, performing the dance "Picking Lotus".
(Xinhua News Agency)

In the afternoon of May 31, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the 30th collective learning on strengthening China's international communication capacity. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, stressed that telling a good story about China, spreading the voice of China, and showing a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China are important tasks to strengthen China's international communication capacity. We should deeply understand the importance and necessity of strengthening and improving international communication work under the new situation, make great efforts to strengthen the construction of international communication capacity, form an international voice that matches China's comprehensive national strength and international status, create a favorable external public opinion environment for China's reform, development and stability, and make positive contributions to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

In recent days, various major online media and netizens have launched a heated discussion on this topic.

"The task of building an international communication and discourse system is very urgent"

"Throughout the history of human development, the construction and improvement of international communication capacity is an important and arduous historical mission for any country." Xinmin Evening News "Deep Sea Area Studio" believes that strengthening the construction of China's international communication capacity is an inevitable requirement of China's new historical position after entering the new era of socialism; For the moment, it is also the goal that must be achieved to contribute Chinese wisdom to cope with the COVID-19 epidemic, a common threat to mankind; It is also an urgent need to build a community with a shared future for mankind and guide the international community to jointly shape a more just and reasonable new international order.

The China Social Sciences Network interviewed a series of scholars related to international communication, who generally believed that the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping had caused a warm response in the academic community.

Mi Bohua, Dean of the School of Journalism of Fudan University, has a representative view. He believes that China is in a critical period of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese elements in news reports of major media around the world have multiplied, and the task of building an international communication and international discourse system is very urgent. China's international communication is undergoing a transformation from passive response to active balance and then to making a difference. We still have a lot of work to do in building international communication capacity. China is having a profound impact on the world's political and economic structure. We need to show our attitude and views to the world, and create new concepts, new categories and new expressions that integrate China and foreign countries. This is particularly important.

Sichuan Online's "Tianfu Online Review" article believes that, with the improvement of China's international status, strengthening China's international communication capacity is not only an urgent task, but also an issue of the times that leaders at all levels and mainstream media must earnestly solve. The speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out the direction and provided guidance for us in what aspects we should make great efforts to strengthen the construction of international communication capacity. The article further believes that the next step is to improve insight, communication and responsibility.

"International communication should serve the overall situation, and identify the coordinates and positioning"

On the official WeChat account of Xinhua News Agency, netizens enthusiastically expressed their expectations for enhancing international communication capacity.

The netizen "Veritas" said, "The people have faith, the nation has hope, and the country has power." The netizen "Three Earths" said, "Let the world hear our voice!" The netizen "Zhu Wenfu" said, "Praise for strengthening China's influence in the world!" The netizen "Bin" said, "Let the voice of China resound all over the world, and let the people of the world hear the voice of China!" The netizen "Diamond" said, "Be confident in the road, theory, system, and culture!" The netizen "Mr Yang" said, "We must strengthen the top-level design and layout, and praise it!" The netizen "Haina Baichuan" said, "Make good use of and play the role of the media to spread and show the real China!" The netizen "My time is like jade" said, "Make the strongest voice in China!"! Show the most authentic and beautiful picture of China! "

The article of China Tibet News Network believes that communication leads the trend of thought, plays a new era, and sings positive energy, which profoundly affects the trend of external public opinion and the display of China's image, and is of great significance. International communication should serve the overall situation, find the right coordinates and positioning, focus on innovation and development, strive to attract people in the way of communication, touch people in the content of communication, give full play to the political role of international communication, lead the spirit of the times, reflect the Chinese spirit, vividly reflect the face of social development, and constantly improve the guiding power, influence and credibility of international communication, Undertake the mission and responsibility of the new era and strengthen the construction of China's international communication capacity. summarized and found that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to strengthening the construction of international communication capacity, and has repeatedly stressed and made requirements. combed the golden sentence of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening the construction of international communication capacity, and netizens praised it in succession.

Build a strategic communication system with distinctive Chinese characteristics

How to promote the transformation and upgrading of China's international communication under the new historical conditions and build a strategic communication system with distinctive Chinese characteristics?

Shi Anbin, professor of the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University, wrote an article for Globegroup. On the one hand, in the era of intelligent communication, transnational, social and emotional news communication has become a new trend. On the other hand, the success of grassroots Internet celebrities such as Li Ziqi and Grandpa Amu, and the success of "voice shaking cities" such as Chongqing and Xi'an, fully confirmed the great attraction of China's colorful local culture to global netizens.

The new media of Shenzhen Satellite TV's "Direct Access to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" column published many comments in succession. The article "The National Image War, in fact, has already started" believes that this national image war may not be smooth, but more like a long-term battle that requires generations of continuous struggle. The article "Taking out the momentum of making chips to do well in international communication" believes that China's international communicators must not wait for the moment to take out the momentum of making chips to "practice muscles and bones outside, practice breath inside". This is not only the mission entrusted by the central government, but also the common expectation of the Chinese nation, and it is also a solemn commitment to a community with a shared future for mankind.

On the WeChat official account "Learning Group", netizens left messages one after another. "Wangqx" said, "Let the world hear the voice of China." "Heart" said, "I saw a lot of Chinese culture, folk music and food on platforms such as TikTok before. I feel we really need to make good use of these platforms to display a colorful, vivid and three-dimensional image of China." "William Lee" said, "Telling a good story about China and building its image will not only help cultural confidence, but also promote cultural exchanges." "Wang Deqiang" said, "Tell your own story and spread our voice."