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People's Daily Monday, May 13, 2024

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Chinese time-honored brand, polishing the gold lettered signboard

Our reporter Qiu Chaoyi People's Daily 》( May 13, 2024   12th Version)

At this year's China Brand Expo, the "Wonderful Market" exhibition area featuring delicious, fun, easy to buy and easy to visit was very lively. Outside the exhibition area, Quyi shows were staged in turn, and the audience applauded repeatedly. In the exhibition area, more than 150 time-honored brand products, geographical indication products, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts and other brand booths are well arranged, and there are a variety of exhibits such as Chinese fashion goods, intangible cultural heritage techniques, and specialty food.

The charm of time-honored brands comes from the inheritance and promotion of China's excellent traditional culture. Caibai shares exhibited unique jewelry of the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, Beihai and other joint brands. "In recent years, Chinese fashion products have become popular in the market. As a 'Chinese time-honored brand' enterprise, we should actively explore and carry forward the charm of traditional culture and introduce more Chinese products that consumers like," said Li Zheng, manager of Market Development Department of Caibai.

The charm of time-honored brands comes from innovation. "As a time-honored brand with a history of more than 100 years, our 'Little Red Cans' Longhu Refreshing Oil is widely known. In recent years, we have actively innovated and launched more new products, such as Longhu Refreshing Cream, Cultural Innovation Sachet, etc." In front of the booth of Shanghai Zhonghua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., in the face of frequent inquiries from the audience, Ji Chunfeng, director of the company's Great Health Center, said that innovation in the process of inheritance, Let time-honored brands glow with new vitality.

The charm of time-honored brands also comes from the strong support of various departments around. "This exhibition has played a very good role in brand publicity and increased opportunities for learning and exchange." Gao Shuhong, chairman of Anhui Wuhu Gengfuxing Catering Management Co., Ltd., told reporters that in recent years, various supports from government departments have made enterprises more confident and energetic, "We will strengthen the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage skills and talent training, continue to become stronger and better, and polish the golden signboard of time-honored brands."

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