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People's Daily Friday, December 9, 2022

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Promote high-quality development of Chinese brand building

2022 China Brand Forum Held in Beijing

People's Daily 》( December 9, 2022   No.05 Version)

Beijing, December 8 (Reporter Cao Shulin, Wang Zhou) On December 8, the 2022 China Brand Forum hosted by the People's Daily was held in Beijing. With the theme of "promoting high-quality development of Chinese brand building", the forum brought together representatives of competent government departments, business leaders, experts and scholars to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges, and gather wisdom to promote Chinese brand building.

Bai Machilin, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, pointed out in his speech that China's brand building has made positive progress and the brand influence has steadily improved by closely implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "promoting the transformation of Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation, the transformation of Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and the transformation of Chinese products to Chinese brands.", The leading role in promoting the upgrading of the supply and demand structure has been significantly enhanced, and more and more Chinese brands are going abroad. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has pointed out the way forward for China's future development, and also put forward new and higher requirements for brand building. We should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote brand building with high quality, comprehensively improve the overall level of China's brand development, constantly promote China's transformation from a brand power to a brand power, and contribute to writing a new chapter of Chinese style modernization. To build a brand power, we should focus on the real economy and build a modern industrial system; We should adhere to innovation driven and accelerate the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology; To adapt to domestic needs and constantly meet people's aspirations for a better life; We should promote entrepreneurship and stimulate enterprise vitality and creativity; We should adhere to cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and integrate excellent traditional Chinese culture into brand building.

Tuo Zhen, President of the People's Daily, pointed out in his speech that the People's Daily should deeply publicize and interpret the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on brand building, and actively report the innovative practices, valuable experience and fruitful results implemented by various departments and enterprises around the country. It is necessary to tell a good story about the innovative development and quality upgrading of Chinese enterprises, deeply explore the vivid cases of Chinese enterprises carrying forward the spirit of craftsmanship and improving product quality, and fully report the new measures and achievements of various departments around the country to constantly optimize the innovation environment. It is necessary to demonstrate the cultural connotation and value behind Chinese brands, improve the reputation of Chinese brands at home and abroad, help Chinese brands to stand, shout and go far, and help Chinese brands go abroad and go global.

Sun Yeli, Vice Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, pointed out in his speech that the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and made a major deployment to accelerate the construction of a manufacturing, quality and trade power. Chinese brands must be strong in manufacturing, quality and trade. In recent years, the construction of Chinese brands has made great progress. More and more Chinese products have become well-known brands, and more and more Chinese brands have become world famous brands. In this process, the news media has played an important role as a window for the display of Chinese brands. I hope that the news media will continue to actively participate and take the initiative to tell the story of Chinese brands, the story of Chinese brand quality improvement, the story of innovation and development, the story of benefiting people's livelihood, and the story of going global.

The forum was held online and offline, with more than 120 participants. Yu Shaoliang, the chief editor of the People's Daily, presided over the opening ceremony, Wang Yibiao, the deputy chief editor, presided over the keynote speech, and Cui Shixin, the deputy chief editor, attended the forum and delivered a speech.

The People's Daily has actively performed its duty and mission as the organ of the Party Central Committee, and worked hard to be a propagandist, participant, and promoter of building a strong brand country. Since 2015, it has held 8 consecutive sessions of China Brand Forum.

The forum also released 2022 Chinese brand cases.

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